Finding personal truth is an essential part of one’s spiritual journey. Many struggle because they rely on others to define their beliefs rather than seeking truth for themselves. As Christians, our core truth is rooted in Jesus Christ, but even within Christianity, there are many perspectives. The central message of Christ is love, as seen in John 3:16-17, where Jesus came to save rather than condemn. We must respect and support others in their search for truth, embracing unity in Christ rather than division, for whoever is not against us is for us (Mark 9:38-40).
Key Concepts
- Personal Truth and Faith: Each person must seek and define their own truth rather than relying on the beliefs of others.
- Love as the Core of Truth: Jesus’ message is one of love, salvation, and grace, not condemnation.
- Respecting Others’ Journeys: We should allow others the freedom to seek their truth and grow in Christ in their own way.
Seeking Answers
For whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name, because ye belong to Christ, verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward.” -Mark 9:41
The second question I would like to ask is: What are you trying to discover? This is a key question because it paints the picture of where you are going next. Some are seeking answers, some are seeking a way out, some are not even sure what it is they are looking for.
One man I worked with, we will call him Tom, wanted to make his wife happy. We will call her Sally. He was not seeking truth, or anything for himself. If his wife wanted something to be true, he would focus on anything he could find and see as evidence that would verify his wife’s beliefs. This caused two main problems: Tom did not have his own truth, and with Sally changing her mind repeatedly on what she wanted to believe, their “truth” became more and more erratic. This caused a riff between them and left Tom not knowing what to believe.
It is important to understand that everyone has their own “truth.” This is because, as finite beings, we cannot see or comprehend absolute truth. It is important that we discover the truth that defines us. There are many religious or spiritual paths ranging from atheism to devout fundamentalism and they exist because there are people that rely on their “truth” to survive.
The Christian Path
As Christians, our common truth is found in Jesus Christ, and yet there are hundreds of thousands of versions of our truth (various churches, sects, and denominations). Yet we can break the truth down to one word: love. Love is the truth God has given us in Jesus Christ. We see this love in the words of Jesus in John 3:16-17:
For this is how God loved the world: He gave His only begotten Son so that everyone who believes in him would not be lost but have eternal life; because God sent the Son into the world, not to condemn the world, but that the world would be saved through him.
To some their truth is the condemnation of all those that do not accept their personal truth. Yet Jesus was not sent to condemn, but to save. In this world we see people battle between ideologies; some as simple as which version of the Bible to use, and others as complex as how to arrange social constructs, like marriage and child rearing. If Jesus did not come to condemn but to save, then who are we to condemn others?
Unity in Christ
This idea of differing ideologies competing was seen in Jesus’ day, in Mark 9:38-40, and Jesus dealt with it in the best way possible, with love.
John said to Him:
Teacher, we saw someone driving out demons in Your name, and we tried to stop him because he wasn’t following us.’
And Jesus said: ’Don’t stop him, because there is no one who will perform a miracle in my name who can soon afterward speak evil of me; for whoever is not against us is for us.’ -Mark 9:38-40,
The Grace of Christ is given to us not because we are worthy of it, but because none of us are worthy without it. Therefore, what right do we have to condemn others if God does not condemn us? Regardless of what truth you find, please remember how you feel right now, and remembers that others may be going through the same thing at any time. We do not know where others are in their journey, so let’s love and respect one anther where we are. Just as you are working to find your truth, please respect and understand that others are working on their own truth as we all walk this road together, deepening our personal relationships with Christ, and through Jesus, with one another.
Discussion Questions
If you are taking this course independently, please use the quiz to turn in your answers.
- Reflect on a time when you questioned your faith. How did this experience shape your understanding of personal truth?
- In what ways can you apply the message of Mark 9:38-40 to create unity among those with differing beliefs?
- How can you balance staying true to your personal faith while respecting the spiritual journeys of others?
Suggestions for Action
- Take time each day to journal your thoughts on faith and personal beliefs to discover where your truth lies.
- Read and meditate on passages about love, grace, and unity, such as John 3:16-17 and Mark 9:38-40.
- Have respectful discussions with people from different faith backgrounds to gain perspective and understanding.
- Volunteer in your community or church to practice Christ’s message of love through action.
- Seek God in prayer for wisdom and clarity in your spiritual journey and for the ability to support others in theirs.
Final Thought/Meditation
As you continue seeking your truth, remember that faith is not about having all the answers, but about trusting God to lead you. Jesus came to save, not to condemn, and we are called to extend the same love and grace to those around us.
Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and ask yourself:
Am I walking my own path with God, or am I trying to walk someone else’s?
Let the peace of Christ fill your heart as you embrace your unique journey, knowing that God walks beside you every step of the way.