Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” -Psalm 119:105
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” -Colossians 3:16
This child-friendly approach will introduce mystical ideas in an accessible way, encouraging children to find and create holy spaces in their everyday lives while deepening their relationship with God.
Lesson for Children
Today, we’re learning how to find the hidden and special meanings in the scriptures that connect us to God in amazing ways. For example, when Nephi says, “And my father dwelt in a tent” (1 Nephi 1:46 [2:15]), it could remind us of a tent being like a little temple—a special place to feel God’s love and hear His guidance. God wants us to know that we can make any space holy by inviting Him into our hearts and lives.
- Materials: Small blankets or scarves (to represent a tent or prayer shawl), crayons, and paper.
- Instructions: Have the children create their own “sacred space” by draping the blanket or scarf over their heads or in a small corner. Ask them to draw or write something that makes them feel close to God. Discuss how we can turn ordinary places into spaces where we can feel God’s presence.
Discussion Questions
- What do you think it means to have a special place where you can feel close to God, like Lehi’s tent?
- Why do you think God wants us to spend time in quiet, holy spaces?
- How can you make a space in your home or room where you can feel God’s love and talk to Him?
Activities and Reflection
Have the children sit quietly and close their eyes. Say: “Imagine you are sitting inside a tent like Lehi’s, and it’s very quiet. You feel safe and loved because you know God is with you. Think about something you want to talk to God about, and imagine His light shining around you, giving you peace. Now, think about how you can make a place like this at home to feel close to Him every day.”
Additional Discussion Questions
- What does it mean to feel God’s light, even when we are not at church or in a temple?
- How can you make a quiet time each day to feel close to God?
- Why do you think Lehi’s tent might remind us of a temple or a prayer shawl (tallit)?
Suggestions for Action
- Create a small, quiet corner in your room where you can pray, read scriptures, or think about God. Decorate it with something special, like a picture or a scripture verse.
- Use a scarf or blanket at home to create your own “tallit” or special prayer space. Use it during prayer time to feel God’s closeness.
- Spend a few minutes with your family each day in a quiet space to read a scripture passage together and talk about what it means to you.
Closing Thought and Activity
End by sharing this simple message, or your own thoughts on this lesson:
“Lehi’s tent was more than a place to live—it was a space where he could feel God’s love and hear His voice. This week, let’s think about how we can make our own homes and hearts like Lehi’s tent, places where God’s light can shine and guide us. How will you make a sacred space for God this week?”