For it was even by the seed of Solomon that Israel was again divided, but through the seed of David shall Israel be made whole again; so speaks YHVH, so mote it be, Amen and amen!” -Neum 6:26
…and if men come unto me, I will show unto them their weakness… for if they humble themselves before me and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.” -Ether 5:27b-28 [12:26b-27]
Lesson for Children
The scriptures teach that Jesus heals us when we’re hurt or sad. We can follow His example by helping others feel better when they’re lonely, sick, or upset.
- Materials: Gather paper and markers.
- Instructions: Give the children paper and markers to create “Get Well” or “Cheer Up” cards for someone who might be sick or feeling sad.
Discussion Questions
- Can you think of a time when someone helped you feel better when you were sad or hurt?
- How can we help Jesus heal the world by helping others?
- Why is it important to be kind to people who are having a hard time?
Activities and Reflection
Have the children close their eyes and think of something that made them feel sad or hurt. Ask them to imagine Jesus holding their hand and making them feel better. Then, imagine helping someone else feel better the same way.
Additional Discussion Questions
- Neum says YHVH (God) heals the brokenhearted. How can we help someone who is sad or hurt?
- Why do you think Jesus wants us to help others who are hurting?
- How does being kind to others help make the world a happier place?
Suggestions for Action
- Create a “Comfort Kit” for someone who might be sad or sick. Include a note, small drawings, or an uplifting scripture like “Be of good cheer.”
- Role-play scenarios where the children can practice comforting someone, like sharing toys or saying kind words when a friend is upset.
- Encourage each child to think of someone they know who might need cheering up and do something to make them smile during the week.
Closing Thought and Activity
Have the children sit in a circle. Pass around a small globe or a heart-shaped object. As each child holds it, they share one thing they learned or one action they’ll do to help “repair the world.” End with a prayer thanking God for His love and asking for help in making the world a better place.