Bet/2: Bet (or Beth, Beith, Beh, or Vet) is the second letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. It signifies the number two. Bet is the first letter of the story of creation, starting the entire Torah with Bereshit; “In the beginning…” Thus Bet represents duality; a Creator and the created, a giver (God) and a receiver (the creation). This duality creates the possibility for opposites; good and evil, heaven and hell, hot and cold, yes and no, man and woman, etc.

Bet literally means house, and even looks like a type of dwelling. It is used to represent our kli, vessel that holds darkness until filled by God’s light. Within us it represents the “house” or temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 3:16). According to Jewish legend, Bet was chosen by God to begin the Torah. Thus Bet is the tool bringing forth all of the other letters, which is to say first we build a temple for the Holy Spirit, then his fire cleans us and helps us grow in Christ’s grace.