Chet/8: Chet (or Cheth, or Het, or Heth, or Khet, or Kheth) is the eighth letter the Hebrew Al-phabet. It signifies the number eight. Het represents infinite possibilities, reminding us of our ability to rise and go beyond our human nature. In Kabbalah it is related to “neshamah,” the Hebrew term for soul, literally translated as “breath” (Genesis 2:7). Thus it also represents our free agency to choose good (light, freedom) or evil (darkness and slavery to Ego).

Chet is an eternal revolving gateway, it gives us the power to enter the higher levels and access to the mysteries of God, and a return to human consciousness. In the ancient world, Chet actually looked like a ladder, as in Jacob’s ladder. Representing the number 8, it also signifies transcending nature, moving to the next stage of teshuvah, in the form of the seven days of the creation. It is essential that we humans break through Ego, to spiritual realization. As we grow in Christ, Chet may be used to guide us from Grace to Grace.