Gimel/3: Gimel is the third letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. It signifies the number three. Bet represents duality, which can create conflict, thus Ghimel becomes the resolution, the harmonizing of opposites. Aleph is the oneness of God, Bet the Father and Mother, Father and Son, Father and Mother, Christ and the Holy Spirit, etc. Ghimel links and balances these, creating the trinity or Godhead. Now we can see the Father & Mother, Son, and Holy Spirit. Ghimel is the balance between opposing powers, a letter of constant transformation. It is the change within us as we grow in Grace. It translates literally as “camel,” an animal humans use for travel. Thus, it carries us on our journey (teshuvah) back to God.

Gimel also introduces us to the opposites of giving and receiving, reward and punishment. It gives us both a balance and motion between these opposite ideas. It represents dual ideologies such as kindness and cultivation. It is said that Ghimel is shaped like a foot to represent a rich man running after a poor man to give him charity. This can be both God as the rich man giving us charity in salvation, or a human following God’s command to selflessly give of all we have (Mosiah 2:28-36 [4:16-21]).