Hei/5: Hei (or He) is the fifth letter in the Hebrew Alphabet. It signifies the number 5, or 5,000 when referring to years. Representing divine revelation, it is said the world was created with the utterance of Hei. In this way Hei is the feminine Goddess, the revelation. It is through the feminine we gain wisdom, and thus free will—the freedom of choice. It represents the gift of life, both created and spiritual life.

In Kabbalah, it is the symbol of feminine divinity, gentility, and specificity. In Judaism, some Jews use Hei as a way of saying “God” without actually saying the name of God. It is an abbreviation of the term “Hashem,” which means “The Name.” Through Hei we gain the freedom of choice. We have walked through the doorway and climbed the stairway of Dalet. We now gain an audience with God. No longer trapped by sin, we have regained our free agency.