Vav/6: Vav (or waw, or wav, or vaw) is the sixth letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. It signifies the number 6, or 6,000 when referring to years. Vav is shaped like a hook. It has the power to unite everything that is separated in creation. It represents kav, Hebrew for “window.” It connects God’s perfection to the created world. God guides existence step by step. Within us, this refers to the guidance to, eventually, the perfect unity to God through Christ. It is a window through which we may see all God has revealed. Through the window of Vav we gain the direct light of God, given to us through Christ, filling us with the Holy Spirit.

Vav contains the power to connect the heavens and earth. This is Jacob’s ladder, rooted in earth, extended into the heavens. It is the priesthood, the power of God, sent from above down to mankind, God’s created beings. It represents the six days of the creation of the world, and thus the six stages of teshuvah. Vav also reminds us of the six physical dimensions: right to left, front to back, up to down. It can teach us the state of constant presence needed to connect our own heaven and earth physical and spiritual aspects.