But before Zion can be built, Israel must find Zion in their hearts, that they be purified and become a people of peace.” -Neum 8:34
Come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness and love God with all your might, mind, and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you.” -Moroni 10:39 [10:32]
Jesus came to help fix the broken parts of our hearts and bring peace to the world, just like the idea of tikkun olam, which means “repairing the world.” Sometimes, we feel sad, angry, or hurt, and the world can feel broken too. But Jesus teaches us that by loving others, forgiving, and doing good things, we can help make the world a better place. When we invite Jesus into our hearts, He helps us heal and bring peace, not just to ourselves, but to the people around us too. Through His love, we all can be part of God’s plan to make the world whole again!
Lesson for Children
The prophets and prophetesses teach that fixing what’s wrong in our hearts—like being kinder or more forgiving—helps bring peace to everyone around us. When we work on ourselves, we can help others feel happy and loved.
- Materials: Collect enough paper, scissors, and crayons for each child (they can share the scissors and crayons). Pre-cut the paper into hearts for younger children.
- Instructions: Give children heart-shaped papers and crayons. Ask them to draw or write ways they can make their hearts more like Zion. Examples: “Be nice to my brother,” “Say sorry,” or “Share with my friends.”
Discussion Questions
- What does it mean to have a peaceful heart?
- How does being kind to others help make the world a better place?
- Can you think of a time when being nice to someone helped them feel happy?
Activities and Reflection
Ask the children to close their eyes and think about one kind thing they can do this week to help someone at home, school, or church. Imagine how that act of kindness makes the other person feel happy and how it brings peace to your heart.
Additional Discussion Questions
- What does it mean to have a happy heart? How can being kind and loving help us feel that way?
- Neum says we should “find Zion in our hearts.” What do you think that means?
- How does helping others bring us closer to God?
Suggestions for Action
- Make a “Kindness Jar” for the week, every time the children do something kind, they add a slip of paper describing it to the jar. Share their kind acts in class next Sunday.
- Create a group art project where each child draws or writes one way they can show love and kindness to others. Combine the pieces into a “Zion in Our Hearts” poster.
- Challenge the children to look for someone at school who seems lonely and invite them to play or sit with them.
Closing Thought and Activity
End by sharing this simple message, or your own thoughts on this lesson:
“This week, as you learn in school, play with your friends, and help around the house, look for ways to be kind. Look for ways you can help others feel better about themselves.”