Therefore, when the days shall come that all that has been shall be gathered into one, stand watch that you will be ready.” -Neum 11:44
And it shall come to pass that the Lord God shall commence his work among all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people, to bring about the restoration of his people upon the earth.” -2 Nephi 12:87 [30:8]
Lesson for Children
In the scriptures, the prophets and prophetesses talk about gathering God’s children from all over the world to be part of His family. We can help gather people by including others and helping them feel loved.
- Materials: Provide strips of colorful paper.
- Instructions: Have each child write or draw something kind they can do for someone else, like “Invite someone to play” or “Say hi to a new kid.” Link the strips together to make a chain symbolizing gathering.
Discussion Questions
- What does it mean to gather people into God’s family?
- How can you help someone feel like they belong at church or school?
- Why do you think God wants everyone to be together in love?
Activities and Reflection
Ask the children to imagine people from all over the world—different countries, languages, and cultures—coming together to share smiles, songs, and love. Think about how happy God feels when we all work together.
Additional Discussion Questions
- What does it mean to “gather” people together? How can we help others feel like they belong?
- Neum says the people of God will rebuild broken places. How can we help fix or rebuild things around us?
- How can helping others feel included make the world a better place?
Suggestions for Action
- Organize a “Helping Hands” activity where the children tidy up a classroom, help clean the churchyard, or assist with a simple project.
- Teach a song about unity, such as “As I Have Loved You,” and discuss how showing love helps bring people together.
- Have the children make “You Belong” cards to give to someone new at church or school.
Closing Thought and Activity
Ask the children to look for the ways God made things different and how that is a blessing for the world.