And in that day that you shall clean yourselves before me, I shall offer unto you a new and everlasting covenant, and Israel will again be my people.” -Neum 12:14
I remembered the words of the Lord which he spake unto me in the wilderness, saying: That inasmuch as thy seed shall keep my commandments, they shall prosper in the land of promise.” -1 Nephi 1:116 [4:14]
Lesson for Children
The scriptures teach that when we keep our promises to God, we can be an example to others. We show them what it means to follow Jesus and make the world better.
- Materials: Poster board, markers, crayons, and pens, sticky notes.
- Instructions: Write “Promises to God” at the top of a large poster. Let the children add sticky notes with ways they can keep their promises to God, like “Pray every day,” “Be honest,” or “Help others.”
Discussion Questions
- What promises have we made to God?
- How does keeping our promises make the world a better place?
- Can you think of someone who is an example of keeping their promises to God?
Activities and Reflection
Ask the children to picture themselves asking God how to do their best to love others, be honest, and follow Jesus. Imagine God smiling and giving them a big hug for trying their best.
Additional Discussion Questions
- Neum talks about promises (covenants) with God. What promises have we made to Heavenly Father, like being baptized?
- How can keeping our promises help make the world a better place?
- How does helping others show God that we love Him?
Suggestions for Action
- Teach the children a simple song about keeping promises to God, you can use free sources like YouTube.
- Have them draw pictures of themselves keeping a promise (ex. praying, being kind, or helping at home).
- Create a “Promise Pledge” board where children write or draw ways they can keep their promises.
Closing Thought and Activity
End by sharing this simple message, or your own thoughts on this lesson:
“God asks us to help repair the world by being kind, keeping promises, and taking care of others and the earth. When we do these things, we help make the world as beautiful as He created it to be.”