For the world shall fall ill to the iniquity of mankind; yea, the greed of men shall be as a poison that will drain the earth of its life, and she shall become sick.” -Neum 13:4
The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb; and the leopard shall lie down with the kid, and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.” -2 Nephi 9:121 [21:6] (quoting Isaiah 11:6)
Lesson for Children
Neum and the Book of Mormon teach that God wants us to take care of His creations. When we care for the earth, we help make it beautiful and peaceful, just like God intended.
- Materials: Trash bags and plastic gloves, any other items needed to collect trash.
- Instructions: Organize a short walk outside where children pick up trash around the church or a nearby park. Talk about how this helps “repair” God’s creations.
Discussion Questions
- Why do you think God wants us to take care of the earth?
- What are some ways we can help keep the world clean and beautiful?
- How do you feel when you see nature looking clean and healthy?
Activities and Reflection
Have the children sit quietly and think about their favorite things in nature: a tree, a flower, or an animal. Remind them that God created everything and wants us to take care of His beautiful world.
Additional Discussion Questions
- Neum says the earth will be healed and made new. What can we do to help take care of the earth?
- Why do you think Heavenly Father wants us to love and take care of His creations?
- How do you feel when you help keep the world clean and beautiful?
Suggestions for Action
- Take a walk around the church or a nearby park and pick up trash. Talk about how this helps “heal” the earth.
- Plant a small flower or tree together as a class and discuss how taking care of it helps God’s creations.
- Create a craft using recycled materials to remind children of the importance of reusing and caring for the earth.
Closing Thought and Activity
After completing these activities, invite the children to share what they learned or how they felt while helping others or thinking about God’s world. End with a short testimony about how small actions can repair the world and bring us closer to God.