A Mormon Kabbalistic Rosary Meditation?
About Lesson

A Quick Tour

(A discussion about the meaning of each section)



To introduce the learner to each section of the meditation at a high level.


Section 1: Before the Formation (the Beginning)

In the first section, we address our prayer to the Creator, and we review the state of things before the week of Creation began.


Section 2: The Divine Council (Ha’Elohim)

Having learned that the Creator organized a Divine Council “the elohim” or “Ha’Elohim”, among whom were “many of the Noble and Great ones,” we stop and review the members of the divine council who have been identified as being associated with the 10 Attributes of God (the “sephirot”).

You might notice some of these Angel names are new (at least to Mormons), and that many of them were prophets who opened new dispensations when they walked the earth. You may also notice that the order they are listed is in relation to the order of the Sephirot, not the order in which they walked the earth.

The meaning of their name(s) and the Sephirot for which they are the Herald is listed with each member of the Divine Council, so that you can ponder how those things might be related to each other and to their respective earthly ministries.


Section 3: The Robes of Priesthood / Mantle of Righteousness

This section takes a prophetic vision of the Son of Man, which contains the names of the 10 Attributes of God, associating each one with a body part. The Lord is thus clothed in glory. When we step into a ministry, and take the Robes of the Priesthood or the Mandle of Righteousness upon us, we are to emulate these same attributes. For instance, our hands become Mercy and Strength. Or feet must be planted upon the Foundation.

As you step through the beads for this section, consider the nature of God, the nature of the priesthood, the way our body is part of the robes of the priesthood. And what it means to follow his lead as we walk upon the path.


Section 4: The Torah as the Seed of the New Creation

This section combines the vision of the Days of Creation with the admonition of Alma and Amulek, to plant “the Word” in your heart and allow it to grow into a tree … even the Tree of Life. Which imagery appears to have been originally from the Book of Zenock. The Book of Zenock also explains how that Tree of Life can be seen as the Kabbalistic Sephirot, and how how they are associated with the Days of Creation.

In this section we step through the Days of Creation with the understanding that what is being created is the New Creature / New Creation that is born within our hearts when we are born again, which, over time, grows within our hearts and fills eternity.


Section 5: The Fruits of the Tree of Life

Having this tree of life growing within us, we can now look forward to partaking of her fruits. It is our desire to experience the tree and her fruits in a very intimate way. We want to Know Wisdom, in a metaphorical but “biblical” way.

So, for this section of the meditation, we list out the fruits using their Hebrew names, as well as the common interpretations used in English.


Section 6: Understanding the Mysteries

We do not just want to Know the attributes of God, we want to Understand them. We want to have the Mysteries of God made known to us. There is a chapter in the Book of Zenock where he explains the “Wisdom” that can be found in each sephirot, so we capture key phrases from his explanation, so we can ponder on them together.


Section 7: Being One in the Oneness of God (the End)

For the final section, we remember the prayer of Jesus Christ when he prayed to the Father asking that WE be brought in to the oneness that they already have. We ponder upon the oneness of Ha’Elohim, and what it means for us to be one in Christ.

And having walked to the end of the path, we recognize that the End that we seek is this oneness. The ultimate purpose of the Creation was to become one in the Creator.

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