A Mormon Kabbalistic Rosary Meditation?
About Lesson

A Mormon Kabbalah Rosary Meditation?

Course Manual

“Behold, great and marvelous are the works of the Lord! How unsearchable are the depths of the mysteries of him; and it is impossible that man should find out all his ways! And no man knoweth of his ways, save it be revealed unto him; wherefore, brethren, despise not the revelations of God.

For behold, by the power of his word, man came upon the face of the earth, which earth was created by the power of his word. Wherefore, if God, being able to speak and the world was, and to speak and man was created, oh, then, why not able to command the earth, or the workmanship of his hands upon the face of it, according to his will and pleasure? Wherefore, brethren, seek not to counsel the Lord but to take counsel from his hand. For behold, ye yourselves know that he counseleth in wisdom, and in justice, and in great mercy over all his works;

Wherefore, beloved brethren, be reconciled unto him through the atonement of Christ, his Only Begotten Son, That ye may obtain a resurrection, according to the power of the resurrection which is in Christ, and be presented as the firstfruits of Christ unto God, having faith, and obtained a good hope of glory in him before he manifesteth himself in the flesh.”

– Jacob (Son of Sariah and Lehi)
see Jacob 3:9-17 (RAV) or 4:8-11 (LDS)

Written for use in the School of the Prophets
The Church of Jesus Christ in Christian Fellowship

About this course

This course is an introductory level course exploring the Kabbalistic tree of life through a meditative prayer designed to be prayed with Rosary beads while pondering various passages from throughout the Plates of Brass the Book of Mormon and the New Testament.

This is not a “religious” class, in the sense that participants need not be “believers.” But anyone attending should come with an openness to truth and should NOT seek to convince or convert one another to whatever views they cherish.  Nor should participants set out to tear down (or even disapprove of) each other’s “incorrect” ideas.  We are here to share ideas and learn from one another, not to establish or enforce a consensus of truth.

The discussions are intended to be approached by a small group of interested participants (half a dozen?) who have read the reading, considered the suggested questions, and formulated their own questions and opinions about the content so that by gathering as a group and discussing the content, we can all benefit from the insight and opinion and curiosity of each other,  thus turning the key of unity to unlock the door of understanding.

As groups are formed that choose to study this material together, when possible, try to include a person who has studied this course previously, so that the best of the ideas from previous discussions are spread out to ever increasing numbers of people, and the understanding of the overall group will become brighter over time.

Fair Use Disclaimer

Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. The Study Guide is for the purpose of serving the needs of a specified educational program. This is a nonprofit work. Students are not charged a fee specifically or directly for the materials. Only those portions of the work relevant to the educational objectives of the course are used in the Study Guide material. Short excerpts from larger works and images are used to illustrate the lesson material. The text relies heavily on works of art which are intended as a means to better communicate ideas and concepts. The effect of any copyrighted work is to exhibit and promote in a positive way the work of the author or creator. References are included where possible to assist the student to locate and study the original work.

For additional information please contact The Church of Jesus Christ in Christian Fellowship.

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