A Mormon Kabbalistic Rosary Meditation?
About Lesson


This week’s discussion begins working on Section 3  (NOT SECTION 2 … YES, we skipped a section for now).



We will connect these two passages to the Large bead, and beads 1, 2, 3, 6 and 9.

The phrase associated with these beads are:

(Large):  “O Aleph-Tav, thou son of David, King of Kings, the first and the last, even the Son of Man,”

(1): “Clothed in glory from your Crown even to your feet which touch the earth.”

(2,3): “Whose eyes are as flames of fire, full of Wisdom and Knowledge

(6): “Being girded about with Beauty, Radiant as the sun”

(9): “Who walks upon your Footstool, the very Foundation


Passages to Ponder

Revelation 1:13-14

13. And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of Man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle.

14. His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;


Zenos 1:32-34

32. And in the midst of these I saw one who was like unto the Son of Man, clothed with in garments from His crown to his feet which touched the earth;

33. And girt about the chest with a girdle of gold, his heart being anointed;

34. And His eyes were full of wisdom and knowledge, as they were flames of fire;


Zenock 9:24-26

24. Knowledge and wisdom are as two candles of similar height and flame;

25. And when one is lit it will illuminate the room, but when the second is lit, the room will be illuminated even greater still.

26. But when that flame is put out in the morning, though the light of them shall be gone from the room to be replaced by the light of the sun, you shall still smell the smoke of it;


Questions of Knowledge (What it says at the surface)

  • How does it describe the Eyes of YHVH?
  • What all is covered by the garment(s) He is wearing?
  • Where are the Lord’s Feet as described in this vision?


Questions of Wisdom (What it means below the surface)

  • In what way are knowledge and wisdom like flames?
  • How is having an anointed heart like wearing a golden girdle?
  • What are the garments YHVH is wearing? Is it something He is wearing, or something He IS?
  • Why would it say it goes from his Crown down to his feet, rather than His neck or His shoulders?


Questions of Understanding (Likening it to Ourselves)

  • What garment(s) are you wearing?
  • Should you be wearing something like this?  Is it only for Him?


Questions of Mystery (What deeper meaning can be harvested)

  • If Knowledge and Wisdom are both “as flames of fire”, what makes them different from one another? Is the difference somehow important?


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