A Mormon Kabbalistic Rosary Meditation?
About Lesson


We will focus this week’s discussion on the things which were created in the beginning, before the first day of creation.  And the names of God that are introduced right at the beginning of the first book of Moses.



These passages are for exploring the meaning of the five beads between “The Tree” and “The Triangle”.  The first and fifth of which are “large” beads, and the middle three are “small” beads.

The phrase associated with these beads are:

“Who, in Knowledge and Wisdom organized:”

“The elohim

“And the Heavens

“And the Earth

*The two large beads are “Knowledge” and “Wisdom”, the Father and Mother of the Creation,  Since the wording and the order of the beads is out of sequence, I cradle all 5 beads across my fingers and use my thumb to move between them as I step through the phrases.


Passages to Ponder

1 Moses 3:1-3 (From the Plates of Brass)

1. And it came to pass that Ahyeh Asher Ahyeh spake unto Moses, saying: Behold, I reveal unto you concerning this heaven and this earth; write the words which I speak.

2. I am the Aleph Tav, Elohim Shaddai; by the Yachad Yachid Echad I created these things.

3. Yea, in knowledge and in wisdom created I the elohim, and Heavens, and the Earth.


Inspired Version: Genesis 1:1-3 (or P. of G.P. Moses 3:1-3)

1. And it came to pass that the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Behold, I reveal unto you concerning this heaven and this earth; write the words which I speak.

2. I am the Beginning and the End, the Almighty God. By mine Only Begotten I created these things.

3. Yea, in the beginning I created the heaven and the earth upon which thou standest.


Questions of Knowledge (What it says at the surface)

  • What does Genesis translate Ahyeh Asher Ahyeh as?
  • What does Genesis translate Aleph Tav as?
    • Aleph is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and Tav is the last. “Aleph Tav” is like saying “Alpha and Omega” (which are the first and last Greek letters).
  • What does Genesis translate Elohim Shaddai as?
    • Elohim translates literally as “God” or “Gods”
    • Shaddai translates literally as “Almighty”
  • What does Genesis translate Yachad Yachid Echad as?
    • Yachad translates literally as “Togetherness”, “Harmony”, “Collective Unity”
    • Yachid translates literally as the “Only” or “Singular”, “”Unique”
    • Echad translates literally as “One” or “Unity” or “Oneness”
  • What three things does it say are created “in Knowledge and Wisdom” (or “in the Beginning”)?


Questions of Wisdom (What it means below the surface)

  • In what ways are Knowledge and Wisdom synonymous with “the beginning”?
  • The Genesis account leaves “the elohim” out of the list of things created or organized as part of the creation story.  What doctrinal or philosophical differences does it make if we remove or add “the gods” to the list of things created?


Questions of Understanding (Likening it to Ourselves)

  • The Creator told Moses to write the words that He spoke.  Have you ever been invited to write down something you received from the Creator?  What is the value of writing the words received?
  • If you receive thoughts while pondering and meditating upon the words of this prayer, is it appropriate to write them down?  
  • What if the thoughts you receive are questions rather than answers, is it useful to write them down if you don’t yet have understanding?


Questions of Mystery (What deeper meaning can be harvested)

  • “Yachad Yachid Echad” is translated in Genesis as “Only Begotten Son” or “mine Only Begotten” but, using the various meanings of the words outlined in the Questions of Knowledge section, how else could it be accurately translated?   Ponder upon the meaning of this name of God, which is generally used when talking about YHVH’s role as the promised messiah, or greatest of all prophets.


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