This week’s discussion, we will cover the first key of Creation.
This passage will cover section 4, the 4th small bead:
(Bead 4): “Then, on the first day, the Creator divided the light from the darkness, And the darkness of evening was pierced by the light of the morning that the light which Ha’Elohim had prepared from before the beginning should be found in the heart of the creation.”
Passages to Ponder
Melchizedek 6:1-7
1. And the first key of creation opens the prisons shut up by death, for when in harmony it divides the light from the darkness, for there must be opposition in all things:
2. And by this key is the soul given birth in man, being born anew from the seed planted in the heart of Adam, the spirit and the flesh birth the soul within the body, and these three: the spirit, flesh, and soul, become as one.
3. And in the first key is the hidden stone, the new name, given that shall be as a sign to men and women; an urim and thummim of the heart:
4. This urim and thummim burns bright for it contains the Holy Spirit, a vast sea of glass and fire, for all things of the mystery here shall be revealed.
5. And the first key brings harmony to the three sides of mankind, eyes might be open to the visions of YHVH, to prepare mankind to speak Word of YHVH, and to take action in uplifting one another; for only in the light might we see truth and seek justice that the creation of YHVH be fulfilled.
6. Take heed, therefore, and do not be deceived; for Alohykm is Truth, and YHVH is Mercy that mankind might be the hands and do the works to unite the body and the spirit:
7. And this is the first key, and this is the first purification of the soul, that mankind shall shine in whiteness, for the work of the first key is never ending.
Questions of Knowledge (What it says at the surface)
- Where does it say the soul comes from?
- What does it say the three “sides” of mankind are?
- What all does it list that the first key “is”?
- What does it say are the fruits of the first key? (what “door(s)” does it “open”)?
- What work(s) does it say that mankind is expected to do?
- What deception does it warn us to avoid?
Questions of Wisdom (What it means below the surface)
- What does this have to do with opposition in all things?
- What does it mean to divide the light from the darkness IN HARMONY?
- In what way does this key open the prisons shut up by death?
- How does this key bring about the birth of the soul?
- In what way is it related to planting the Seed/Torah in your heart?
- What is this hidden stone / urim and thummim of the heart?
- What does it have to do with the new name?
- In what way does it harmonize the three sides of Mankind?
- What does it mean to be prepared to speak the Word of YHVH?
- Why do you need this key in order to take action in uplifting one another?
Questions of Understanding (Likening it to Ourselves)
- Do you see any of the fruits of this key in your life, or the lives of people around you?
Questions of Mystery (What deeper meaning can be harvested)
- What can you do to apply this key?