A Mormon Kabbalistic Rosary Meditation?
About Lesson


This week’s discussion we will review the concepts in Section 3 And liken it to ourselves.



We will read through a passage in Zenock that re-visits all of the beads in section 3.


Passages to Ponder


Zenock 7:16-34

15. Therefore, prepare thyself now, for you shall be given to wear the mantle of righteousness.

16. ¶ Before the beginning of the creation of this world is the crown (Keter) of YHVH,

17. And Ha’Elohim hath given thee knowledge (Da’at), from before the foundation of this world,

18. And because of this, you have received wisdom (Chokhmah) from before the creation of this world.

19. And being born again, this is the first day of thy creation, in the which you have received of the mercy (Chesed) of YHVH;

20. And because you have received of the mercy, you have been given strength (Gevurah), and this is the second day of your creation.

21. ¶ and in the first day before the creation of this world you were crowned with an eternal crown, and given the left and right eyes that you should see;

22. Therefore, in the first two days of your creation, you have been given hands, the right hand to receive in the mercy of El Eyon, and the left to take the strength of YHVH, your Elohim.

23. And being able to give and take in righteousness, on the third day of your creation, you were given compassion to see the beauty (Tif’eret) of the creation of YHVH, for YHVH is the Creator.

24. And the beauty of this, the creation of Yah YHVH, neither gives nor takes, therefore it is neither to the right nor to the left upon that tree that doth grow in faith upon thy heart.

25. ¶Yet to see the fullness of this creation, Ha’Elohim should give thee feet to walk upon the path;

26. Therefore, the fourth day of this creation thy right foot is planted in eternity (Netzachhe) that you should receive of the goodness of the path.

27. And thy left foot is planted in thy submission to YHVH, for the glory (Hod) of El Elyon, that thou should receive all that Yah doth have for thee, and this is the fifth day.

28. ¶ And so it is that on the sixth day of this creation, you are given the very foundation (Yesod) that your feet shall be planted in their walk, neither going in nor out, right nor left, but straight to God (Israel).

29. And this too, like the crown of YHVH and the beauty of this creation, is neither to the right nor to the left upon that tree whose seed did grow from the Word of the Torah that was planted in thy heart.

30. Therefore, the kingdom (Malchut) is the seventh day of this creation, also being neither to the right nor to the left, for it is upon that straight path of understanding (Binah) hidden upon thy heart.



Questions of Knowledge (What it says at the surface)

  • What are the surface level similarities and differences between the Mantle of Righteousness that Zenock is being told about, and the Robes that Zenos described that the Savior is wearing in his vision?


Questions of Wisdom (What it means below the surface)

  • The Mantle of Righteousness is described as “days” of creation.  Do you think the attributes are sequential … do you have to learn them in order? or is the sequence of days teaching something else?


Questions of Understanding (Likening it to Ourselves)

  • What calling do you feel the Lord has called you to? And does doing His work mean you must wear this Garment?
  • Do you feel you are wearing it? Why / Why Not?


Questions of Mystery (What deeper meaning can be harvested)

  • How does one go about putting on this Garment?
  • Do you practice the attributes until they become part of you and that’s how you wear the robe?  Or do you put on the robe, and the attributes follow? (which is “first”)


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