A Mormon Kabbalistic Rosary Meditation?
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This week’s discussion will cover the third day of creation.



Section 4, the 6th Small bead

(Bead 5): “And, on the third day, the Creator gathered the waters of mercy together, and caused the dry land to appear, and when the Heavens wept the Earth was made fertile.”


Passages to Ponder

Zenock 7:16-34

21. ¶ and in the first day before the creation of this world you were crowned with an eternal crown, and given the left and right eyes that you should see;
22. Therefore, in the first two days of your creation, you have been given hands, the right hand to receive in the mercy of El Eyon, and the left to take the strength of YHVH, your Elohim.
23. And being able to give and take in righteousness, on the third day of your creation, you were given compassion to see the beauty (Tif’eret) of the creation of YHVH, for YHVH is the Creator.
24. And the beauty of this, the creation of Yah YHVH, neither gives nor takes, therefore it is neither to the right nor to the left upon that tree that doth grow in faith upon thy heart.

1 Moses 3

16. ¶ And I said: Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place; and it was so.
17. And I said: Let there be dry land; and it was so.
18. And I called the dry land earth; and the gathering together of the waters called I the waters of the sea.
19. And I saw that all things which had made were good.
20. And I said: Let the earth bring forth vegetation, the herb yielding seed, the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed should be in itself upon the earth;
21. And it was so, even as I spake; yea, the earth brought forth vegetation, every herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed should be in itself after his kind.
22. And I saw that all things which had made were good; and this age was the third degree.

4 Moses 2

9. ¶ And in the third age Ha’Elohim commanded the waters to divide from the earth that dry land should appear.
10. And the waters did as they were instructed, and they slept in the firmament, and the dry land appeared, and when the Heavens wept the Earth was made fertile.
11. And in that age the seas were created, and the rivers, and all the gatherings of the waters upon the earth, and the dew of the earth;
12. And because of this, the seeds were sown, and plants, and trees, all manor of shrubs were birthed in Eden, and Her garden was full upon the earth.


Abraham 4

9. ¶ And the gods ordered, saying: Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the earth come up dry, and it was so, as they ordered;
10. And the gods pronounced the earth dry, and the gathering together of the waters, pronounced they great waters: and the gods saw that they were obeyed.
11. And the gods said: Let us prepare the earth to bring forth grass; the herb yielding seed; the fruit tree yielding fruit, after his kind, whose seed in itself yieldeth its own likeness upon the earth; and it was so even as they ordered.
12. And the gods organized the earth to bring forth grass from its own seed, and the herb to bring forth herb from its own seed, yielding seed after his kind, and the earth to bring forth the tree from its own seed, yielding fruit, whose seed could only bring forth the same, in itself, after his kind; and the gods saw that they were obeyed.
13. And it came to pass that they numbered the days; from the evening until the morning they called night; and it came to pass from the morning until the evening they called day; and it was the third time.

Book of Remembrance – Chapter 3

19. ¶ And Elohim, said unto the Only Begotten and Michael: Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place.
20. And they, the gods, under the direction of YHVH and Michael ordered, saying: Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place; and it was so.
21. And Elohim said: Let there be dry land, yea and let the earth come up dry; and it was so as they ordered in the name of the Only Begotten.
22. And Elohim called the dry land Earth and the gathering together of the waters called He the Sea.
23. And the gods too pronounced the dry land earth; and the gathering together of the waters, pronounced they, Great Waters; and the gods saw that they were obeyed.
24. And Elohim saw that all things which had been made were good.
25. And Elohim said: Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, the fruit tree yielding fruit, after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed should be in itself upon the earth.
26. And the gods organized the earth to bring forth grass from its own seed, and the herb to bring forth herb from its own seed, yielding seed after his kind;
27. And they caused the earth to bring forth the tree from its own seed, yielding fruit, whose seed could only bring forth the same in itself, after his kind.
28. And it came to pass that they numbered the days; from the evening until the morning they called night; and it came to pass, from the morning until the evening they called day; and it was the third time.
29. And the evening and the morning were, by the reckoning of time by the gods, the third day.


Questions of Knowledge (What it says at the surface)

  • What all does it say happened on the third day?


Questions of Wisdom (What it means below the surface)

  • Symbolically speaking, what does it mean for the water to gather together?
  • Symbolically speaking, what does it mean for the earth to come up dry?
  • Symbolically speaking, what does the vegetation represent?
  • What does it mean that when the heavens wept the earth was made fertile?


Questions of Understanding (Likening it to Ourselves)

  • In what way have these symbols (earth, water, vegetation) manifest themselves in your life?


Questions of Mystery (What deeper meaning can be harvested)

  • In what way have the heavens wept upon your new creation, and in what ways does that bring life to the soil of your new creature?


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