A Mormon Kabbalistic Rosary Meditation?
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This week’s discussion, we will cover the third key of Creation.



This passage will cover section 4, the 6th small bead:

(Bead 6): “And, on the third day, the Creator gathered the waters of mercy together, and caused the dry land to appear, and when the Heavens wept the Earth was made fertile.


Passages to Ponder

Melchizedek 6:21-40

21. ¶ And the third key is the separation of the dry ground from the water, for as the light is the creation by the fire of judgment and the waters are the mercy of YHVH, the ground is our mother the Earth, the very Shekinah, and the plants shall bear fruit in us of the works of Alohykm.

22. And when the dry ground appears, the soul is birthed from the womb, and grass and herbs shall mankind eat thereof that he shall not faint;

23. For there is no lacking of light and water upon the earth for nourishment if we possess this, the third key; and the heavens are no longer closed to us.

24. And a spring of living water shall come out of the stone, to nourish the fruit of the vine that we might make our wine, for nothing shall come from the earth which is not for our good;

25. For that all which is unclean is made perfect by the very fire hidden in the center of Eden, washed by the Holy Spirit.

26. It has been said that there is nothing is more contrary than fire and water, than judgment and mercy;

27. Yet Alohykm has stated that we must make peace between us and our enemies, and radically love one another vehemently:

28. Therefore, all things must be purged by fire and by water to be brothers and sisters in the earth, which had ascended with them;

29. Therefore, the body must be washed in the water, and the spirit cleansed in the fire for Eden be made whole in humidity, and this for every generation:

30. For the spirit of mankind’s desire is Eve, the body of mankind’s actions is Adam; and these two, joined together replenish the desires of the human race;

31. For these two are of the same nature, yet differ in their genders, and this must be to ascend as one Adam together, soul, spirit, and body;

32. And after purification, at last these are inseparably, united their most noble and perfected form through the third key.

33. And behold the water; it is a living spring which comes from out of the stone; miracle of nature!

34. To the wicked the water which cometh fourth from out of this stone is as vinegar,

35. To the uninitiated it is wine upon which they who drink become intoxicated and sleep;

36. But to the enlightened it is truth: knowledge and wisdom from the foundation rising up to the crown.

37. Wherefore, this third key is given many names: some call it wine, some oil, some vinegar; but it is the very water of life:

38. Use it therefore to cleanse thine own eyes, and thy face, and thy bodies,

39. For it is necessary to clean the body in humility, to remove the blackness, and make a perfect union of the earth and the heavens.

40. And this is the soul, inseparably uniting the spirit and the flesh, the heavens and the earth, for the work of the third key is never ending.


Questions of Knowledge (What it says at the surface)

  • Describe the imagery / story of the third key in v21-23.
    • Water
    • Dry ground
    • Plants
    • Fruit
  • What are the blessings that come with possession of the third key (around v23)?
  • Describe the imagery of purification in v24-29
    • Living water from a stone
    • The Vine
    • The fruit growing on the vine
    • Wine
    • Hidden fire
    • The Purging of all things which had ascended
  • Describe the imagery of Spirit / Body / Soul from v30-32
    • Adam
    • Eve
    • Soul
    • Body
    • Spirit
    • One Adam
    • United in their most noble and perfected form
  • Describe the imagery of the Living water from v33-40?
    • Living spring (of water)
    • The Stone
    • Vinegar
    • Wine
    • Oil
    • The Very Water of Life
    • Humidity
    • Cleansing of the body
    • Union of heaven and earth
  • What does all of this have to do with the third day of creation?


Questions of Wisdom (What it means below the surface)

  • What all might the water and dry ground each represent?
  • What are the ways in which the heavens might be no longer closed to us as referenced in v23?
  • Is the water in v21 terrestrial, and the water in v24 celestial (from day 2)?  If so, why does the celestial water come out of the earth/stone?


Questions of Understanding (Likening it to Ourselves)

  • Thoughts?


Questions of Mystery (What deeper meaning can be harvested)

  • What does all of this have to do with the third day of the new creation growing within YOU?


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