A Mormon Kabbalistic Rosary Meditation?
About Lesson


This week’s discussion, we jump to the very LAST section of the prayer. The 7th Section where we will spend some time thinking about the nature of God’s One-ness.



This passage will cover the Triangle and all 5 beads. (it covers the entire section, except the Tree/Cross. Including the following phrases:

(The Triangle): “That I too may be one in the Unity of the Divine Family”

(Large 1): “For this reason, we call Ha’Elohim the “One God”: one in essence, yet many in aspect; or many in being, yet one in priesthood.”

(2): “The highest being two: both male and female, thus being four,”

(3): “And again seen as five as their unity is one, the fifth being Keter”

(4): “In this trinity is hidden the Knowledge and Wisdom of the whole world”

(Large 5): “And through the Mercy and Justice of Alohykm shall we gain understanding, and by understanding a glimpse of the Crown of Elohim.”


Passages to Ponder

4 Moses 38:17

17. Hear O Israel! YHVH is our Elohim; YHVH is One.

5 Moses 2:5

5. Hear, O Israel: YHVH is our Elohim; YHVH is Unity.

Melchizedek 4:11-15

11. ¶ For this reason, we are calling Elohim the one God: one in essence, yet many in aspect; or many in being, yet one in priesthood;

12. The highest being two: both male and female, thus being four, and again seen as five as their unity is one, the fifth being Keter.

13. In this trinity is hidden the knowledge and wisdom of the whole world,

14. And through the mercy and justice of Alohykm shall we gain understanding, and by understanding, a glimpse of the Crown of Elohim.

15. The children of god descend to the earth to become sons of men; to die as princes, and ascend from the earth to the heavens, and become rulers over that which is above and that which is below.


Questions of Knowledge (What it says at the surface)

  • What does 4 Moses say that YHVH “is”?  What does 5 Moses say that He “is”?   You should be aware that both of those are translated from the Hebrew word Echad which is the number one, but just as in English it can also be a word for describing how a family acts as one when they are united.
  • In what ways does Melchizedek say God is “one”?
  • In what ways does he say that God is “many”?
  • Which “two” of the gods does he mention?
  • How does he make those two into four?
  • What is the fifth?
  • Which three gods does he say can be seen as a trinity?


Questions of Wisdom (What it means below the surface)

  • In what way is YHVH “One”?
  • In what way is YHVH “Unity”?
  • What is YHVH the “Unity” of?
  • In what way is God a Duality?
  • Is the “Trinity” described in this passage “Father, Son and Holy Ghost”?
  • Other than in the Divine name (YHVH) Is God a grouping of 4?   If so, which 4 things?


Questions of Understanding (Likening it to Ourselves)

  • What does he mean when he says “both male and female”?


Questions of Mystery (What deeper meaning can be harvested)

  • This passage names the first five Kabbalistic sephirot: Crown, Knowledge, Wisdom, Mercy and Justice.  In what ways are these the one-ness of YHVH?
  • In what way is YHVH the Unity of the Divine Family?


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