Jesus Christ commanded us to love one another as He has loved us, demonstrating the pure, unconditional love of God. This divine love is the foundation of all commandments and teachings, yet many struggle to accept that they are worthy of such love. The world may tell us that love is conditional, earned, or dependent on merit, but God’s love is ever-present and given freely. By embracing this truth, we can let go of fear, pride, and self-doubt, replacing them with the joy of serving, forgiving, and uplifting others. True fulfillment is not found in material wealth but in living a life centered on love—love for God, for our neighbors, and for ourselves.
Key Concepts
- God’s Love is Unconditional: Many people feel unworthy of God’s love, believing they must first prove themselves. But scripture affirms that God loves us as we are, not as we think we should be. Accepting His love allows us to love others freely. (Romans 8:38-39)
- Loving Others is a Reflection of Loving God: To truly love God, we must also love His children. Every act of kindness, every moment of patience, and every step toward forgiveness is a reflection of our love for God. When we love one another, we bring heaven to earth. (Matthew 22:37-40)
- Love Transforms and Heals: Love is the key to spiritual growth and transformation. It breaks down walls, heals past wounds, and strengthens relationships. A life centered on love leads to peace, joy, and deeper communion with God. (1 John 4:7-12)
Love One Another
This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.” —John 15:12
Many people struggle to believe that they are truly loved by God. Society often teaches that love is something to be earned through achievements, status, or perfection. However, God’s love is not transactional—it is freely given. No matter our past mistakes, doubts, or shortcomings, we are embraced by divine love. When we understand this, it frees us from fear and the need to constantly prove ourselves. Accepting God’s love allows us to extend the same grace to others, transforming our relationships and our purpose in life.
God has given us so much, and asks for so little in return (John 15:13). He gave his life and asked us to pick up our crosses and follow him (Matthew 16:24-26). This, He said, would be easy (Matthew 11:28-30). His and His Father’s unconditional love is always there, giving grace for grace (Doctrines of the Saints 58:18). And this is how we too must live our lives, with godly unconditional love. Once this is understood, the Law is understood. All the Torah and the Prophets rest on just two things: Love God, Love thy neighbors, which is actually one thing: unconditional love.
When to Forgive
Then came Peter to him, and said” Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times? And Jesus saith unto him: I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven.” -Matthew 18:21-22
I was once asked how much we should take when others push us? How much should we give when others only take? How much should we hurt and come back when others purposely or even go out of their way to hurt us? I have been asked this question many times over the years as I work with people suffering from what I call spiritual PTSD. I gave four ways to know:
- You dread or fear seeing them
- They make you feel like you don’t belong
- They spiritually shame others
- They want to argue endlessly over differences
While these will not work every time with every person we interact with, they do offer a base guideline. If you dread seeing someone, or they make you feel like you don’t belong it is probably a good idea to get away from them. They may be toxic, or your personalities may just clash too much. Either way, it would likely be better to stick to being acquaintances or stop contact with them.
Likewise, if they are shaming you for any reason, or want to argue constantly they can drag you down spiritually and emotionally, which drags us down physically as well. As Christians we are to mourn with those that mourn, but we are also to rejoice with those that do rejoice! (Mosiah 9:40 [18:9], Romans 12:15)
Living without Resentment
For me, I think it comes down to living without resentment. I opened this article with Jesus telling Peter to forgive “seventy times seven” (Matthew 18:21-22). In a revelation to Joseph Smith Jr. the Lord expanded on this:
And as oft as thine enemy repent of the trespass wherewith they have trespassed against thee, thou shalt forgive them unto seventy times seven; and if they trespass against thee and repent not the first time, nevertheless thou shalt forgive them; and if they trespass against thee the second time and repent not, nevertheless thou shalt forgive them; and if they trespass against thee the third time and repent not, thou shalt also forgive them; but if they trespass against thee the fourth time thou shalt not forgive them but shalt bring these testimonies before the Lord; and they shall not be blotted out till they repent and reward thee four fold in all things wherewith they have trespassed against you. And if they do this, thou shalt forgive them with all thine heart.” -Doctrines of the Saints 61c:34-40 (DaC 95:7c-e Community of Christ, 98:40b-45a CJCLdS)
At first glance this may seem like a contradiction as first we are told to forgive them 490 times, then just four times. What changes? the first 3 times we turn the other cheek (Matthew 5:39). The fourth time we take it to the Lord. This is not something we must do alone. Yet we must still forgive the 490 times as if they repent, we must forgive them again (Doctrines of the Saints 61c:40). If we are harboring resentment in our hearts, we cannot do this. We must let go of our anger and hate and look at everyone the same way God does, with the potential for teshuvah.
Perception vs Reality
When we look at the teachings of Jesus one thing I find interesting about the Savior’s interactions with people is that we seem to read our emotions into what He does. Bitter, contentious people see him as “putting people in their place” when He talks. Loving people see him as a loving teacher. I’m very sarcastic so I see him as very sarcastic, and even humorous in his interactions with the people out to get him. I don’t think there is anything wrong with this, as long as we are reading the scriptures to correct ourselves and not others.
And that is the point of all of this. We can walk away from toxic people and still love them. We can keep ourselves safe while still honoring the opinions of others. Clearly, we need to stand up for others if someone’s opinion is that a person or group of people shouldn’t exist. But in normal interactions, sometimes people assume too much and that keeps us apart.
Line in the Sand
So where do we draw the line? Keep in mind that for Jesus being crucified was his middle ground. He didn’t force all of us into heaven, nor damn us all to hell (John 3:16-17). He asked us to pick up our crosses and follow Him (Matthew 16:24). Yet he also said that our burdens would be light (Matthew 11:28-30). Jesus died knowing full well that we didn’t know what we were doing, and that he had power over death. We didn’t kill him, he gave up the ghost and returned on his own. To us the crucifixion was and is horrific, yet Jesus is God. It was not more than He could handle. Likewise, we should not take on more than we can handle. We cannot allow others to hurt us, even after they are long gone.
Let carrying our crosses, our crucifixions, be our middle ground, not our death march. Love everyone, and draw lines to stay safe from toxic people. Genuinely forgive others and don’t let them harm you again. As we move forward in our relationships with those around us, we should ask ourselves, “can I come back from what this person is putting me through?” Yes, with God we can do anything, that doesn’t mean God requires us to do everything. We must walk away before we get to a point where we cannot let go of our resentment. At one point when they were trying to kill him, Jesus left (Luke 4:28-30). We too can leave toxic situations. In doing so we are not only protecting ourselves, we are being the person they need us to be, allowing the light of Christ to shine in the darkness, giving them a way home.
Love Transforms and Heals
Jesus made it clear that love is the foundation of all righteousness. Loving God and loving our neighbors are not separate commandments but one intertwined truth. When we choose kindness, patience, and service, we honor God. This love is not just for those who are easy to love—it extends to the difficult, the different, and even those who hurt us. In choosing to love without conditions, we embody the very essence of Christ’s teachings and build a stronger spiritual community.
Love is the most powerful force in existence. It has the ability to heal wounds, restore broken relationships, and bring light into the darkest moments. When we love others, we become instruments of God’s grace. Love calls us to action—to serve, to forgive, and to uplift those in need. As we allow love to guide our actions, we begin to experience the fullness of God’s plan, finding peace and purpose in our daily lives.
You are Worthy of God’s Love
God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.” —1 John 4:16b
Humanity seems to be searching for something. In general, people feel lost. As we accumulate more material wealth, it seems that the hole we are trying to fill just gets bigger. How do we fill this hole in our lives? These feelings of loss, of emptiness, of loneliness; they come from the depth of our souls.
Mormon Kabbalah teaches us that we are not merely physical beings, we were first spirits. We were born in the flesh, and then corrupted by it. There is no material gain we can achieve that will fill the void in our spirits. Only Jesus Christ can do this.
Discussion Questions
- What does it mean to love as Christ loves? How does this differ from how the world defines love?
- How does accepting God’s unconditional love change the way we treat others?
- What are some barriers that prevent people from fully experiencing and giving love?
- How can we love those who are difficult or who have wronged us?
- What is one way we can cultivate a greater awareness of God’s love in our daily lives?
Suggestions for Action
- Practice gratitude for God’s love. Each day, write down one way you have felt God’s love in your life. How does recognizing God’s love daily impact your outlook?
- Perform an act of unconditional love. Do something kind for someone who may not expect it, without seeking anything in return. How did this act of love affect both you and the recipient?
- Meditate on a scripture passage about love. Choose a scripture about God’s love, such as 1 Corinthians 13, and meditate on how it applies to your life. What new insights did you gain about love from this passage?
- Learn to forgive someone. Identify any resentment you are holding onto and pray for the strength to forgive. How does letting go of past hurt free you to love more fully?
- Strengthen a relationship. Reach out to a friend or family member with whom you’ve lost touch or had tension. How does love help mend broken relationships?
Final Thought & Meditation
God’s love is the foundation of our existence. It is not earned, nor is it conditional—it simply is. When we fully embrace this love, we become vessels of divine grace, shining His light into the world. Love is not just an emotion; it is a choice, a commitment, and a way of being.
As we go forward, let us reflect on the immense love God has for us and ask ourselves: How can I share this love with others today? The more we love, the more we become like Christ, and the more we bring heaven to earth.