To study Mormon Kabbalah, we must first explore the nature of God. The foundation of our study begins with the Seven Principles or Fundamental Truth, which guide our understanding and relationship with the Divine. Without these fundamental truths, deeper spiritual exploration would be impossible. We begin by affirming that God is real, recognizing that God’s essence is love, and understanding that we are created for salvation. These principles set the stage for a spiritual journey that allows us to embrace divine truth, choose righteousness, and transform our perception of reality through love and service.
Key Concepts
- Acknowledging the Reality of God: God is not an abstract idea but a living, active presence in our lives.
- Feeling God’s Love: The nature of God is love, and this love is the foundation of all creation.
- Seeing God in the Purpose of Our Creation: God’s plan is one of salvation, not condemnation.
The Seven Principles
O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed are those that trusteth in Him.” –Psalm 34:8
Before we can truly dive into Mormon Kabbalah, we need to first look at the nature of God. We use the Seven Principles to help guide us in our mutual understanding. If we do not share these seven fundamental truths, then there is no need to even begin!
- God is Real: To study Mormon Kabbalah (the Book of Mormon+Kabbalah), one must first recognize there is a God. We all see God differently, and this is okay. God meets us where we are. To know God, we must understand that God is not an abstract idea. God is real and is the source of our eternal happiness. (Alma 16:54-55a [30:44c-d])
- God is Love: Once we realize God is real, we must acknowledge that God is good. Why study and develop a relationship with a God we see as evil? Our God is all bestowing and all loving, opposite of man—God’s fallen creation. Bad things don’t happen to good people because God is unjust, but because the creation is not completed. (1 John 1:5)
- We are Created to be Saved: Now that we know God is real and is love, one will ask, why are we here? The knowledge that God is love brings with it the understanding that God did not place us here to fail, but to perfect us. He doesn’t doom us to Hell, but sent Christ to save us from ourselves. When the creation is complete, all will be perfected in Christ to our true states of being—be they good or evil. (John 3:16-17)
- We have the Freedom of Choice: Once we know the first keys of reality, we must make a choice of what we will do with this knowledge. God doesn’t make us good, the devil doesn’t make us evil; we have access to both and choose for ourselves. We are tempted by Ego to take for ourselves, but true joy only comes when we give of ourselves. We have partaken of the fruit of the tree, now we must choose good from evil. (Enoch 37:22-23)
- We Love Love and Serve God: Once we choose Christ we may begin to study Mormon Kabbalah by obeying the two great commandments key to Kabbalistic understanding. The first great commandment is to love God. How do we show love for God? We study His ways, the life of Christ, and emulate Him: we serve others. (Matthew 22:36-40, Moroni 7:11 [7:13])
- We Love Our Neighbors: We cannot be obedient to the first great commandment if we are not obedient to the second: Love thy neighbor as thy self. We are all Adam and Eve, regardless of gender. All of creation is one, even as Jesus and the Father are one. The only way to do this is through love; love abandons Ego for altruism. (Leviticus 19:18, Matthew 22:36-40)
- Change Perception, Change Reality: We cannot be obedient to the first great commandment if we are not obedient to the second: Love thy neighbor as thy self. We are all Adam and Eve, regardless of gender. All of creation is one, even as Jesus and the Father are one. The only way to do this is through love; love abandons Ego for altruism. (Doctrines of the Saints 42:10/DaC 76:3a CoC, 76:12 CJCLdS)
Starting at the Beginning
To begin any spiritual journey, we must first recognize that God exists. Many perceive God in different ways, shaped by personal experiences, traditions, and revelations. The good news is that God meets us where we are, speaking to us in ways we can understand. The universe is filled with evidence of God’s presence—through nature, the scriptures, personal revelation, and the deep sense of longing within each soul to connect with something greater than itself. As Alma teaches, “All things denote there is a God” (Alma 16:54-55a [30:44c-d]). The first step in Mormon Kabbalah is accepting that we are not alone; there is a divine intelligence behind all things, guiding us with love.
Understanding God as real allows us to form a deeper connection through prayer, study, and meditation. Rather than merely believing in God as an idea, we must seek to experience His reality. This experience comes through our daily choices, as we open our hearts to divine guidance and recognize God’s hand in our lives. We begin to see that reality is not random—there is a purpose, and that purpose is bound in love and divine wisdom.
The True Nature of God
Once we accept that God is real, we must ask: what kind of being is God? Many fear a distant, judgmental deity, but scripture teaches us the opposite—God is love (1 John 1:5). Every interaction God has with humanity is an expression of this love. From the creation of the world to the sacrifice of Christ, God continually reaches out to His children, offering them light, truth, and redemption.
However, the world is not yet complete, which is why suffering exists. When we see pain and injustice, we must remember that the creation is ongoing. God’s love is not about preventing every hardship but about guiding us through them, shaping us into beings of light and love. By aligning ourselves with God’s nature, we become vessels of that divine love, extending compassion and grace to those around us.
We have Purpose
If God is real and is love, then our existence must have a purpose. That purpose is salvation—our return to divine wholeness. John 3:16-17 reminds us that God did not send Christ to condemn us but to save us. Our earthly experience is part of this process, refining us and helping us grow spiritually.
Mormon Kabbalah teaches that salvation is not about avoiding punishment but about becoming who we were always meant to be. Just as a seed grows into a tree, our souls are meant to flourish into divine beings, reflecting God’s love and wisdom. Through Christ’s grace, we are given the power to overcome our weaknesses and step into the fullness of our eternal identity.
Discussion Questions
- How does recognizing that God is real, One we can communicate with, impact your daily life and decision-making?
- In what ways have you experienced God’s love personally?
- If God’s plan is salvation, how does that change the way we view sin and repentance (teshuvah)?
- How can we reflect God’s love more in our relationships with others?
- How does changing our perception of God help transform our spiritual reality?
Suggestions for Action
Spend five minutes each day reflecting on how you have seen God’s presence in your life. In what ways has God’s presence been made known to you today, and how did it influence your thoughts or actions?
Perform an intentional act of kindness, reflecting God’s love to someone in need. How did this act of kindness impact both you and the person receiving it? Did it help you feel more connected to God’s love?
Read one passage daily that speaks of God’s love and meditate on how it applies to your life. What insights did you gain from today’s passage? How can you apply this message of love to your relationships and daily interactions?
Offer a prayer specifically asking God to reveal His presence to you in new ways. Did you notice anything different in your awareness of God’s presence after this prayer? How did it shape your faith or deepen your understanding?
Write about a time when you felt God’s love and how it changed your perspective. Looking back on that experience, how has it shaped your spiritual journey? How can you use that memory to strengthen your faith in times of doubt?
Final Thought & Meditation
Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Imagine yourself standing in a vast, open field, surrounded by light. Feel the warmth of the sun on your face—the light of God’s love illuminating your soul. You are not alone. God is here, now, always present. Let go of any doubt or fear. Breathe in peace, exhale worry.
Say in your heart:
God is real. God is love. I am created to be saved.” Sit with this truth and let it settle into your spirit.