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Neum (from the Plates of Brass)
About Lesson

The Hebrew letter Hei (ה), the fifth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, carries profound symbolic meaning, especially in its connection to divine revelation, spiritual illumination, and the breath of life. It is associated with the divine presence and the revelation of God in creation. The letter Hei is often seen as representing God’s breath or spirit, the creative force that gives life and reveals divine truth to the world. It is also linked to the concept of witnessing or manifestation of the divine presence.

In the context of Chapter Five of Neum, several of these themes align with the symbolic attributes of Hei. This chapter emphasizes the importance of divine revelation, wisdom, understanding, and the need for spiritual purity and sincerity in worship. Hei appears to be an apt symbol for these themes, as it represents the breath of God that gives life, as well as the spiritual illumination that comes from God’s wisdom and presence.

Chapter Five emphasizes the importance of entering into the Divine Presence with purity of heart, rejecting falsehoods, and seeking true wisdom—ideas that are deeply connected to the essence of Hei. Through the breath of God, we are called to open ourselves to divine truth and to walk in unity with the Creator.

Key Themes in the Chapter and Their Relation to Hei

  1. The Shekinah: Hei, symbolizing breath, reflects the immanence of the Shekinah, God’s indwelling presence, bringing divine light and life into the world.
  2. Spiritual Illumination: As the letter of revelation, Hei represents the opening of perception, where divine truth illuminates the soul, guiding it toward greater understanding.
  3. Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding: Hei serves as a channel, linking the higher realms of knowledge (Da’at), wisdom (Chochmah), understanding (Binah), enabling them to flow into human awareness.
  4. Sincere Worship: The open shape of Hei invites authentic worship, symbolizing the connection between human devotion and divine acceptance.
  5. Rejection of Falsehoods: Hei signifies clarity and truth, offering a path of openness and honesty that rejects deception and aligns with divine will.
  6. Unity with God: Representing the breath of life, Hei emphasizes the soul’s unity with God, reflecting its divine origin and ultimate return to the Creator.

Divine Revelation and the Presence of God

The chapter speaks of entering the Divine Presence with respect and sincerity (vs 11–18), and the Divine Mother (Shekinah) calls upon the people to enter the temple of holiness and worship YHVH with a broken heart and a contrite spirit. This is a direct invitation to experience the manifestation of God’s Presence, a theme closely tied to the letter Hei, which is associated with the breath or spirit of God (Ruach HaKodesh) that moves through creation and gives life to all things.

Purification and Spiritual Illumination

Neum emphasizes the need for purification—entering the temple not with sin, fear, or hatred, but with a pure heart and a thirst for wisdom (vs 15–18). Hei symbolizes the divine breath that purifies and illuminates. Just as the spirit of God breathes life into creation, it also purifies the soul and brings spiritual illumination to those who are sincere in their worship and quest for truth.

Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding

In Chapter Five, Neum repeatedly asks the people of Israel to seek wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, and she criticizes those who seek knowledge without wisdom or understanding (vs 19–24). This is a key element of the Hei symbolism—Hei is not only associated with the breath of life but also with the illumination of the mind. It is through the Holy Spirit, represented by Hei, that divine wisdom and understanding are made manifest.

Sincerity in Worship

The Divine Mother or Heavenly Mother emphasizes the importance of sincerity in worship rather than mere ritual or devotion (vs 13). True devotion comes from a pure heart, and it is through sincerity that one enters into the Divine Presence. The letter Hei represents spiritual authenticity and purity, as it is through a genuine desire for truth and purification that one can experience the fullness of the divine presence.

Rejection of Falsehood and Idolatry

Neum calls for the rejection of false traditions and the adversary’s ways, urging Israel to remember the truth and not be led astray by false teachings (vs 22–24). Hei represents the truth and revelation that shine forth and illuminate the way, while falsehood and idolatry obscure it.

Unity and the Presence of God

In verse 20, Neum speaks of unity with the Divine and how those who seek the truth will understand and share divine knowledge. Hei is also linked to the concept of unity—the divine breath is the same spirit that moves through all creation, unifying all things. In this sense, Hei represents both the unity of the Divine Presence (Shekinah) and the illumination that leads to spiritual unity among the people of Israel. 

Kabbalistic Questions

  1. Hei represents the breath or spirit of God (Ruach HaKodesh) that moves through the world. How do we open our hearts to the divine truths of the Holy Spirit? How can we be more open to receiving revelation? How is this invitation to enter the Presence of YHVH (the Shekinah) an invitation to receive this “divine breath” which brings understanding and spiritual enlightenment?
  2. If the breath of Hei is what purifies the soul, cutting away impurities and making room for spiritual growth, how does the chapter’s call for a contrite spirit align with the notion that only through purification can one truly receive the wisdom and understanding that come from the divine breath of YHVH?
  3. Reflecting on Hei as the letter of revelation, how can we understand wisdom not merely as intellectual but spiritual? Can the breath of God really moves through creation to reveal the deeper mysteries to those who seek with sincerity? How does the call for true wisdom in this chapter reflect the need to open oneself to the divine breath that leads to true understanding, not just intellectual knowledge?
  4. Hei is about the authentic manifestation of the divine. In this context, why is sincerity of heart is required to enter the Divine Presence (Shekinah)? How does this idea fit with the symbolism of Hei, representing both the divine breath that purifies and reveals spiritual truth? Do you agree that true worship comes from the sincere heart, not from outward appearances or rituals? Why or why not? 
  5. In Kabbalah, the breath of Hei is the truth of God that reveals the falsehoods of the world. Just as Hei represents divine revelation, it also symbolizes the exposure of lies and falsehoods. How does this chapter’s emphasis on rejecting falsehood align with the role of Hei as the illuminator of truth?
  6. Hei represents the unity of God’s spirit, the breath that unites all things. How can the call to enter the divine presence in unity with the Creator reflect the idea that, through the breath of God, all things are brought into harmonious existence? Does the chapter’s call for unity with the Divine and with each other align with the symbolism of Hei as the spirit of unity and divine revelation?