The 22 chapters of Neum align with the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet in a profound and symbolic manner. The alignment of each chapter of Neum with the Hebrew letters of the aleph-bet appears to be a deliberate and meaningful structure, likely not accidental, but a deep, intentional framework that infuses both spiritual and mystical significance into the text. Each chapter embodies themes that correspond to the spiritual and symbolic significance of the respective Hebrew letter. In this, we see an intricate relationship between the mystical teachings and the letter-symbols themselves, where each chapter mirrors the unique essence of the corresponding letter.
Key Themes Related to the Aleh-Bet in Neum
In order to explore why this is likely the case, we need to look at how the chapters reflect the qualities associated with each letter, the historical and spiritual context of the Hebrew alphabet, and the unique potential influence of the paleo-Hebrew script, especially when considering the connection to the Plates of Brass.
- The Divine Order of the Hebrew Letters: The Hebrew alphabet is seen as a divine structure, where each letter represents universal principles and stages of spiritual growth. In Neum, the chapters align with the letters to mirror the divine will, symbolizing a journey from creation (Aleph) to completion (Tav).
- Paleo-Hebrew and Spiritual Symbolism: The use of paleo-Hebrew adds a visual and symbolic depth to Neum’s structure. Each letter, like Aleph (an ox head, representing strength), visually conveys spiritual truths, infusing the chapters with layers of meaning that extend beyond words.
- Letters as Containers of Divine Knowledge: The chapters of Neum, divided by the Hebrew letters, serve as milestones in a spiritual journey, with each letter functioning as a vessel for divine truths. This deliberate structure reflects the authors’ intent to guide readers through a cosmic and spiritual framework.
- Alignment with Kabbalistic Mysticism: The themes of Neum, such as unity, judgment, redemption, and restoration, align with the mystical attributes of the Hebrew letters. This connection reveals the influence of Kabbalistic thought, emphasizing a path of spiritual ascent within the text.
- The Universal Journey of Humanity and Israel: From unity in creation (Aleph) to ultimate fulfillment (Tav), the chapters reflect Israel’s collective spiritual journey and humanity’s quest for redemption. This alignment underscores the interconnectedness of individual and communal growth in the divine plan.
The Hebrew Letters as Spiritual Archetypes
Each letter of the Hebrew alphabet is not merely a symbol for a sound or a written character but also carries profound metaphysical and spiritual meaning. In ancient Hebrew traditions, the letters were believed to encapsulate universal principles and divine wisdom. For example, Aleph (א) represents unity, the oneness of God, and the primal essence of creation. Bet (ב) signifies a house, the dwelling place of God or creation. These meanings go far beyond mere alphabetical order; they reflect a spiritual worldview. In the context of Neum, the alignment of each chapter with a specific letter suggests that the compilers of the text (whether Neum herself or those who collected and transmitted her utterances) were keenly aware of these symbolic and archetypal meanings. This is reflected in the thematic content of each chapter, which ties deeply to the essence of each corresponding letter.
For example, in Chapter One (A), the themes of unity and creation resonate with Aleph, the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Similarly, Chapter Two (b) aligns with Bet reflecting the duality of creation and covenant between God and Israel. This trend continues throughout the book. Based on this observation, it becomes clear that the alignment of each chapter of Neum with the Hebrew letters of the alphabet appears to be a deliberate and meaningful structure. In other word, this was not accidental nor was it a coincidence, but a deep, intentional framework that infuses both spiritual and mystical significance into the text. Each chapter, in its distinct focus—whether creation, judgment, divine wisdom, or redemption—corresponds to the foundational qualities that each Hebrew letter is meant to represent. This correspondence between spiritual themes and letter qualities suggests a purposeful design, one that integrates the wisdom of the Hebrew letters with the unfolding spiritual journey in Neum.
Paleo-Hebrew and the Symbolism of the Letters
The use of paleo-Hebrew, the ancient script from which the modern Hebrew alphabet evolved, adds a significant layer of depth to this structure. Paleo-Hebrew was the script used before the Babylonian exile, and it carried with it a more pictographic, visual dimension. The shapes of the letters in this script were more symbolic, often visually representing the concept the letter embodied. For instance, Aleph in paleo-Hebrew looks like an ox head (?a), symbolizing strength and leadership, fitting with its association with God as the leader of creation. Bet (b) in paleo-Hebrew resembles a tent or house, which aligns with its symbolic meaning of a dwelling place or house.
In Neum, if the chapters are indeed organized with this ancient script in mind, the letters themselves may be considered not just as conceptual markers (letters) but as active ideographs, as a sort of hieroglyphs that communicate visually and symbolically. The letters then add to each chapter’s theme as a reflection of the deeper, pictorial meaning of each letter, giving readers hints for deeper meaning hidden in the text. Thus, the choice to use paleo-Hebrew letters in the structure of Neum would be an intentional act of aligning the spiritual content with a form of expression that goes beyond linguistic communication to tap into a deeper, archetypal and symbolic level of meaning.
The Plates of Brass and the Divisions of the Chapters
Nothing translated in the Plates of Brass thus far has offered any sort of chapters as we understand them today. The fact that each section broken up into chapters in Neum is divided by the paleo-Hebrew letters in the Plates of Brass is a crucial point in understanding the intentionality behind this structure. The plates, containing sacred writings or prophecies, would have been a highly significant artifact for the Nephites who followed these teachings. Dividing the text by the Hebrew letters may not have been a random occurrence but rather a deliberate reflection of the divine order encoded in the letters themselves. These letters were not merely mnemonic devices for recording sound; they were considered containers of divine knowledge.
The decision to divide Neum into 22 sections by aligning each chapter with a Hebrew letter could be a way to emphasize that each chapter represents a specific aspect of the divine will, as embodied in the letter it corresponds to. Just as the letters are used to structure the text in Neum, they may also function as keys to unlock deeper layers of spiritual meaning.
The Plan of Divine Order in the Aleph-Bet
The Hebrew alphabet itself is believed to be a divine order, with each letter representing a fundamental building block of the cosmos. The order of the letters, from Aleph (a) to Tav (t), is seen as a map for spiritual growth and cosmic understanding. In the Kabbalistic tradition, the Hebrew letters are understood as the primordial forces that structure the world and the divine wisdom that sustains it. Therefore, organizing Neum around these letters is a way of connecting the text to a higher, divine framework.
The chapters of Neum unfold with themes that align with the spiritual progression suggested by the Hebrew letters. For example, Vav (ו), the letter that connects, corresponds with Chapter Six, which reflects on the relationship between Israel and God—emphasizing connection and covenant. The sequence of chapters, moving from Aleph to Tav, mirrors a progression from the origins of creation to the ultimate fulfillment of divine will. This type of structure suggests that the authors were working with a profound understanding of the spiritual and mystical implications of the Hebrew alphabet, viewing it as a tool to express the divine plan.
The Mystical and Spiritual Connection to Kabbalah
The mystical traditions of Judaism, especially Kabbalah, place great emphasis on the Hebrew letters and their role in understanding the nature of the universe and the divine. In Kabbalah, each letter is seen not only as a linguistic symbol but also as a spiritual force that affects reality. The letters are associated with elements, worlds, and paths of spiritual ascent. It is highly probable that those who compiled Neum were influenced by or were working within this Kabbalistic framework.
The structure of Neum seems to follow this path of ascent, where each letter corresponds to a specific level of understanding, action, or spiritual condition. The chapters often progress from a general theme (such as creation or justice) to a more specific or inward-focused teaching (such as mercy, repentance, or personal transformation). This mirrors the Kabbalistic journey of spiritual ascent, where each step brings the individual closer to understanding the nature of God and the divine plan for creation. In this context, the chapters of Neum might be understood as a form of spiritual instruction aligned with the principles embodied by the Hebrew letters.
The Chapters Reflect the Universal Journey of Israel and Humanity
The alignment of the chapters with the letters is not just about abstract spiritual ideas but also serves to reflect the journey of Israel and humanity. From Chapter One’s focus on unity (Aleph), which connects all of creation to God, to Chapter Twenty-two’s emphasis on completion and fulfillment (Tav) bringing the narrative to a cosmic and redemptive conclusion, the chapters follow a trajectory that mirrors the journey of Israel through history. The letters encapsulate stages of this journey—creation, fall, exile, redemption, and restoration.
Each chapter corresponds to a step along this journey, with the chapters being divided by the Hebrew letters as if they were milestones on the path. This progression from Aleph to Tav parallels the spiritual journey of Israel and humanity, aligning both with the individual’s quest for enlightenment and the collective mission to fulfill God’s will on earth.
The Intentional Use of the Hebrew Letters in Neum
In conclusion, it seems highly likely that the compilers of Neum were aware of the symbolic and spiritual meanings of the Hebrew letters and intentionally used them to structure the book. The deep correspondence between the chapters and the letters, coupled with the use of paleo-Hebrew in the plates of brass, supports the idea that the Hebrew alphabet was not only a linguistic tool but also a divine code that guided the unfolding of spiritual knowledge. The chapters align with the letters so well because they reflect both a metaphysical and spiritual order—an order that was deliberately embedded into the text by those who understood the profound power and wisdom of the Hebrew letters.
The use of these letters in Neum would have served not only to organize the teachings but also to imbue them with a deeper spiritual resonance, helping the reader or listener to connect with the divine message encoded in the letters themselves. Those who compiled the text may be giving us access to her utterances in a way that teaches us spiritual growth, encouraging readers to seek personal meaning from the text, looking beyond the superficial view of the nations of Israel and Judah.
General Questions and Reflection
- Divine Oneness and Unity: Kabbalah teaches that everything is ultimately an expression of Divine Unity (Deuteronomy 6:4). How does the idea of The LORD (YHVH) as the “One” resonate with the Kabbalistic understanding of the unity of the Creator and the creation?
- The Role of Prophecy and the Kabbalist: Neum speaks in prophetic utterance, dancing in prophecy to know the will of The LORD. In Kabbalah, prophecy is often connected to the ability to perceive the Divine flow of Or (light), or the light of Christ (Neum 7:16, Alma 15:51 [28:14], Moroni 7:18 [7:19]). How might this “dance” be seen as a symbol of Kavanah (the intention or focus required to align oneself with Divine light)? (See Mosiah 1:49 [2:17]; 3 Nephi 4:49c-50 [9:20], Moroni 7: 53 [7:48] 10:4-5 [10:4-5] to help understand the concept of Kavanah.)
- The Role of Prophecy and the Kabbalist: The Kabbalist seeks to draw down Divine wisdom from the Heavens (the higher realms) into the earth (world of action). How do the prophetic visions of Neum align with Kabbalistic practices of meditation and prayer to channel the light of Christ? (See Moroni 7:14-18 [7:18-19])
- Creation as an Expression of the Divine Will: Kabbalistic teachings suggest that the physical world is a reflection of higher spiritual truths. How might Neum’s focus on The LORD’s dominion over all creation connect to the idea that creation itself is an extension of the Divine emanation through the Sefirot?
- The Dance of the Divine and the Human Soul: Neum describes herself as the Oracle “dancing in prophecy.” In Kabbalah, the concept of Zivug (spiritual union or coupling) symbolizes the dynamic relationship between the Creator and creation. How might this “dance” represent the process of Yichud (union) between the Divine and the human soul?
- The Dance of the Divine and the Human Soul: How can the human soul achieve union with the Creator through the “dance” of spiritual practice, such as prayer, meditation, and study of the Torah, as taught in Kabbalah?
- The Mystery of Divine Governance: In Mormon Kabbalah, governance is understood through the flow of the Light of Christ via the Sephirot. How does the divine providence in this text correspond to the role of Malkhut (kingdom, the tenth Sefirot) in manifesting the Divine in the world?
- The Mystery of Divine Governance: How might the Kabbalistic concept of Hashgachah Pratis (Divine providence) be reflected in this statement of governance? What does this suggest about the role of humans in participating with Divine providence?