Ordinances of the Saints 101: The Sacraments
About Course
This class is a nondenominational look at the ordinances of the Latter Day Saint movement. The information in this class should not be seen as law, or as anything set in stone. The purpose of this class is to instruct the Saints on matters of theurgy: the works of the Lord. It is a guide for those that are new or need reminding on various Priesthood ordinances. It is also to help perspective brothers and sisters wishing to enter the ministry. In addition, appendixes have been included with more information on various priesthood topics.
The information in this class was originally created for the use of the Church of Jesus Christ in Christian Fellowship (the Fellowship of Christ) to instruct and introduce the priesthood in a nondenominational manner. The information has been adjusted to both meet this need, and for use in comparative study. The ideas is to use a nondenominational to explore these topics in a broader Latter Day Saint perspective. These courses and lesson will continue to evolve to meet these goals.
In the Fellowship of Christ, the Priesthood is the power and authority to act in the name of God for the ministry and salvation of humankind. Male and female members of the Fellowship that have been moved by the Holy Spirit to inquire about ordination, and that meet standards of worthiness, may be ordained to specific offices within the Priesthood. Males enter the ministry in the Aaronic branch of the Levitical Priesthood then, as moved by the Holy Spirit, grow into the High or Melchizedek Priesthood. Likewise, women enter the ministry by way of the Miriamic branch of the Levitical Priesthood (or some might say Priestesshood) and grow, as moved by the Spirit, into the Higher or Magdalene Priesthood. Both are branches of the same Priesthood, the Holy Priesthood, after the Order of the Son of God (see Doctrines of the Saints 5b: 1-7).
The Great High Priest of the Fellowship, and the Church (or Israel, the people of God) as a whole upon the Earth is Jesus Christ. He is the true head of every Christian organization. Thus, it is from Jesus that the Fellowship gets its authority to minister, perform ordinances, and invite souls unto Christ and salvation by His Grace and exaltation as we do His Works.
The Priesthood was first given to Adam and Eve as they exited the Garden of Eden. There, they made covenants with the Lord and were given Garments of the Holy Priesthood to wear as a sign of their ministry (see Genesis 3: 21, Book of Remembrance 10-17). Though we are taught through the prophet Joseph Smith Jr. that all that desire to serve are called (Avahr 13:5), we may not take Priesthood power or authority unto ourselves. It has been conferred to the world by God through the restoration and passed down from John the Baptist; Peter, James, and John; Raphael who is Melchizedek, and others from Joseph Smith Jr. and Oliver Cowdery to the present day in all branches of the Latter Day Saint movement, and through us back into the rest of Christianity (see Hebrews 5; Avahr 21:2-5, 25:5-8; Doctrines of the Saints 17d:30).
This class should inform any Latter Day Saint in any church, sect, or denomination on ordination and use of priesthood power. If you have any questions or feel called to serve the Lord in the Fellowship, desiring to be ordained into nondenominational ministry, please contact us at info@cjccf.org.
This course is protected under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 license.
Course Content
Introduction Quiz