The Sacrament of Communion, a Sacrament of Healing, invites believers to remember the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and renew their commitment to Him. Administered by the Levitical Priesthood, this sacred ordinance connects participants to Christ’s grace and allows the congregation to reflect on His atonement.
And it is expedient that the Church meet together oft to partake bread and wine in remembrance of the Lord Jesus; and the Elder or Priest shall minister it.” –Doctrine of the Saints 2:66
Key Concepts
- Purpose of the Sacrament: Communion serves as a reminder of the body and blood of Christ. It is a time to reflect on His sacrifice, renew covenants, and strive to keep His Spirit present in daily life.
- Priesthood Authority and Administration: Communion is administered by Priests or Priestesses of the Levitical Priesthood, or ministers of the High Priesthood. The sacred prayers from Moroni 4–5 must be read or recited verbatim unless the Holy Spirit directs otherwise.
- Inclusivity in Participation: While Priesthood holders are tasked with blessing and overseeing the ordinance, lay members may prepare and pass the Sacrament when needed. This ensures all are welcome to partake, symbolizing Christ’s inclusive love.
Purpose of the Sacrament
The Sacrament of Communion is a profound reminder of Christ’s atoning sacrifice and an opportunity for believers to reflect on His love and grace. By partaking of the bread and wine (or water), participants symbolically take upon themselves His name, commit to keeping His commandments, and strive to always remember Him. This ordinance fosters spiritual renewal, offering healing and the continual companionship of the Holy Spirit to guide and strengthen individuals in their daily lives.
Administering the Sacrament
Administering the Sacrament is a sacred duty entrusted to those holding the Levitical or High Priesthood. Through reverent preparation and adherence to the prayers outlined in Moroni 4–5, the ordinance becomes a holy act that unites the congregation with Christ. The symbolic gestures, including the raising of the hand in the sign of the Law of Sacrifice, signify the sacred nature of the ordinance and the Priesthood authority behind it. This careful structure ensures the ordinance remains a deeply spiritual experience for all involved.
Priests and Priestesses of the Levitical or ministers in the High Priesthood may bless the Sacrament of Communion. They should be dressed in their Garments and the Robes of the Priesthood, as instructed in the Law of the Gospel. They should raise their right hands to the square, in the sign of the Law of Sacrifice, and their left arms should be down, bent to the square with their palms cupped down, over the sacrament.
The following prayer from the Book of Mormon may be read or recite verbatim.
O God, the Eternal Father, we ask thee in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ, to bless and sanctify this bread to the souls of all those who partake of it; that they may eat in remembrance of the body of thy Son, and witness unto thee, O God, the Eternal Father, that they are willing to take upon them the name of thy Son, and always remember him, and keep his commandments which he hath given them, that they may always have his Spirit to be with them. Amen.” –Moroni 4
O God, the Eternal Father, we ask thee, in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ, to bless and sanctify this wine to the souls of all those who drink of it, that they may do it in remembrance of the blood of thy Son, which was shed for them; that they may witness unto thee, O God, the Eternal Father, that they do always remember him, that they may have his Spirit to be with them. Amen.” –Moroni 5
While the prayers from Moroni are standard in many Latter Day Saint denominations, other prayers inspired by the Spirit or from broader Christian traditions may be used as directed by the Holy Ghost.
Any officer of the Priesthood may prepare and/or pass the Communion to the congregation, under the direction of the local Pastor it Bishopric. They should wear their Garments and Aprons, as instructed in the Law of Sacrifice. Generally, the Priests and Priestesses are assigned to oversee the communion and would request help a week prior. It is up to the local congregations to work out the specifics.
Preparing or passing the Sacrament of Communion does not require any office of Priesthood, thus a lay member may do it. However, if there are Priesthood holders available, they should prepare and pass to fulfill their duties as ministers of Christ.
Inclusivity in Participation
The Sacrament reflects Christ’s inclusive love by inviting all believers to participate in its preparation and passing when needed. While Priesthood holders are primarily responsible for administering the ordinance, lay members may assist under direction, ensuring the sacred elements are accessible to everyone. This inclusivity underscores the universal nature of Christ’s atonement and reminds all participants that they are equal in His eyes, bound together as a community in faith and love.
From the First Presidency and the Council of Elders – Before presenting the Sacrament of Communion, we advise the following be read:
“At this time, we welcome all present to Christ’s table. We invite all who would participate to do so as an expression of the peace and love of Jesus Christ, in whose name we worship. The Lord’s Supper is a Sacrament, a time to focus on the life, death, and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. As disciples of Christ, we renew our covenants and recommit together to His mission: to grow closer to Jesus Christ, as individuals and as a community, worshiping Jesus Christ through God’s Word, the Sacraments, ministry, outreach, Kabbalah, and jubilee. We encourage all that are worthy to receive Communion do so frequently and devoutly. “
Discussion Questions
If you are taking this course independently, please use the quiz to turn in your answers.
- Why is the Sacrament of Communion considered a Sacrament of Healing, and how does it strengthen your relationship with Christ?
- Reflect on the role of the Priesthood in the administration of the Sacrament. Why is it important to follow specific instructions for this sacred ordinance?
- How does the inclusivity of preparation and participation in Communion reflect the teachings of Jesus Christ?
Suggested Actions to Grow in Faith
- Study and Reflect: Read Moroni 4–5 and other scriptures about the Sacrament. Reflect on what it means to always remember Christ and have His Spirit with you.
- Participate in Communion: Attend a Sacrament service and actively reflect on Christ’s atonement during the ordinance.
- Serve in Preparation: If you hold Priesthood keys or have the opportunity, assist in preparing or passing the Sacrament to gain a deeper understanding of its significance.
Final Thought/Final Meditation
Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” -Matthew 11:28
Take a moment to reflect on how the Sacrament of Communion brings spiritual rest and renewal. Picture yourself at the table with Christ, accepting His invitation to partake of His body and blood. As you partake, commit to living His teachings and extending His grace to others.