In this lesson, we will discuss the significance of the Sacrament of Confirmation, its proper administration by the High Priesthood, and the role it plays in connecting believers with the Holy Ghost and the Fellowship. Confirmation is a sacred act that invites the Gift of the Holy Ghost into the life of a new member of the Fellowship. This sacrament, performed by the High Priesthood, signifies healing, union, and the strengthening of one’s spiritual journey in Christ.
But thou shalt declare repentance and faith on the Savior and remissions of sins by baptism and by fire, yea even the Holy Ghost.” –Avahr 35:42
Key Concepts
- The Role of the High Priesthood in Confirmation: Only those holding the High Priesthood—Elders, High Priests, or High Priestesses—are authorized to perform the Sacrament of Confirmation. They must prepare themselves by dressing in their sacred Garments and Robes of the Priesthood, aligning with the Law of Consecration. This sacred preparation ensures the dignity and sanctity of the ordinance.
- The Process of Confirmation: The confirmation involves laying hands on the recipient’s head, calling them by name, and invoking the authority of the Holy Priesthood. The officiant confirms the individual as a member of the Fellowship and pronounces blessings as directed by the Spirit. While other ordained High Priesthood holders may stand in the circle as witnesses, the Gift of the Holy Ghost is ultimately a divine blessing from God.
- The Gift of the Holy Ghost: The Holy Ghost is a divine guide and comforter. Receiving this gift is a personal and spiritual experience that may occur immediately during confirmation or unfold over time as the recipient strengthens their relationship with God. The timing and nature of this “personal Pentecost” vary for each individual.
The Role of the High Priesthood in Confirmation
To confirm the Gift of the Holy Ghost upon new members, one should hold the High Priesthood as an Elder, High Priest or High Priestess. They should be dressed in their Garments and in the Robes of the Priesthood, as instructed in preparation to receive the Law of Consecration.
The Process of Confirmation
The Savior taught the Lehits the proper way to give the Gift of the Holy Ghost:
And he called them by name, saying: Ye shall call on the Father in my name, in mighty prayer; and after ye have done this ye shall have power that to him upon whom ye shall lay your hands, ye shall give the Holy Ghost; and in my name shall ye give it, for thus do mine apostles.” –Moroni 2:2
Laying their hands gently on the new member’s head, the Elder, High Priest or High Priestess should state the individual’s full name, their authority, confirm them a member of the Fellowship, tell them to receive the Holy Ghost, bless them as moved by the Spirit, and close in the name of Jesus Christ. Other High Priesthood holders may also stand in the circle and act as witnesses, signing the records for the Fellowship.
Example confirmation:
(State the person’s full legal name); by the authority of Jesus Christ and the Holy Priesthood I confirm you a member of the Church of Jesus Christ in Christian Fellowship (or simply “the Church of Jesus Christ”), and say unto you: Receive the Holy Ghost!”
(Bless them as moved by the Holy Spirit.)
“These things I leave with you (or say, or prophecy) in the name of Jesus Christ; So mote it be, Amen.”
Those in the circle would then seal the blessing by stating, “Amen.”
The confirmation circle, if more than three persons stand in, should use the Order of Prayer, or the True Order of Prayer; based on the level of Endowment those in the circle have reached. All in the circle should be ordained ministers in the High Priesthood.
The Gift of the Holy Ghost
The gift of the Holy Ghost comes from God, and confirmation does not guarantee that one will gain direct access to the Holy Spirit in that exact moment. It is called “confirmation” as the High Priesthood is confirming that the individual has access to the Holy Ghost, that access comes from God and not man. Some may have already encountered their personal Pentecost, others may receive their in the future as they deepen their personal relationship with God (see 3 Nephi 4:50 RAV, 9:20 OPV). By understanding the depth of the Sacrament of Confirmation, we come to appreciate its role in healing and uniting us with God, the Church, and our eternal purpose.
Discussion Questions
If you are taking this course independently, please use the quiz to turn in your answers.
- Why is it important for those performing the Sacrament of Confirmation to be ordained ministers of the High Priesthood?
- What role does personal preparation play in receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost after confirmation?
- How can members of the Fellowship support and nurture those who have recently received the Sacrament of Confirmation?
Suggested Actions to Grow in Faith
- Reflect on Confirmation’s Purpose: Meditate on your baptism and confirmation, or imagine the sacred experience of someone receiving the Holy Ghost. Journal about how this sacrament strengthens one’s relationship with God.
- Engage with Scripture: Study the scriptures related to confirmation, such as Moroni 2:2 [2:2] and Avahr 35:42. Identify how they teach the connection between repentance, baptism, and the Holy Ghost.
- Participate in Fellowship: Attend or witness a confirmation ceremony, if possible, to observe the sacred process. Reflect on how the act brings unity to the Church and its members.
Final Thought/Final Meditation
And now behold, these are the words which ye shall say, calling them by name, saying: Having authority given me of Jesus Christ, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.” –3 Nephi 5:25 [11:24-25]
Take a moment to center yourself in quiet meditation. Imagine the hands of the High Priesthood resting gently upon your head, the blessing of the Holy Ghost descending like a warm light, filling your heart. Feel the love and presence of God surrounding you. Breathe deeply and give thanks for the guidance, healing, and unity that the Holy Ghost brings into your life.