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Sacraments of the Church of Jesus Christ
The following is a list of the Sacraments offered by the Church of Jesus Christ in Christian Fellowship. The sacraments fall into three categories: the Sacraments of Healing, the Sacraments of Union, and the Sacraments of Service.
Ordinances of the Saints 101: The Sacraments
About Lesson

The Sacrament of Sealing is a Sacrament of Union performed by a member of the High Priesthood; Elder, High Priest or High Priestess. 

 Marriage for Time & All Eternity

Behold, if a man taketh unto himself a wife, so too doth a woman take the man as a husband unto her; yea and these are one flesh to grow together in my Grace.” –Doctrine of the Saints 17e:4

In this lesson we will go over the sealing of two persons, as this is legal nearly everywhere in the world. The sacrament of marriage of two or more persons may be performed by an Elder, High Priest or High Priestess. However, the Lord has advised us that when organized into congregations, only those holding the office of Pastor or Bishop, Patriarch or Matriarch, Seventy, or Apostle should perform such ordinances (see Doctrines of the Saints 17e:17). Local, State, and Federal laws must be followed. It is recommended that those being sealed in marriage should be of legal age, 18 or older.

There are no restrictions in the Church of Jesus Christ in Christian Fellowship on marriages based on race or sexual orientation. However, they may be restrictions in the various Latter Day Saint churches. Those entering marriage should be joined together in the Lord based their mutual love for one another.

The following questions should be asked before a sealing may be performed :

  1. Do you take upon yourself the name of Christ, being born again unto your redeemer?
  2. Do you desire to be sealed unto (person or persons) by the sealing power of the Holy Priesthood and in covenant to God?
  3. Will you strive to move forward as one in Christ that the Holy Spirit may be in you and with you that you might be seal for all time and eternity?
  4. Are you obedient to the laws of the land?
  5. Are you willing to rejoice and mourn with one with the others, and do nothing to cause that any harm come to one another? (see Doctrines of the Saints 17e:31-37)

If they answer in the affirmative to all of these, a sealing may be performed to unite these for time and all eternity.

The following is an example of the sealing of two persons for time and all eternity:

The sealer stands at the head of the altar, to the south, facing north. Two witnesses should be seated or standing one at the right and one at the left of the one that holds the sealing keys to stand at the altar (see Doctrines of the Saints 17d:40).

The bride and groom, or groom and groom, or bride and bride, kneel at opposite sides of the altar, facing one another, clothed in the robes of the holy priesthood to the offices they have been ordained to. If they are not Ministers, they should be dressed appropriately, as moved by the Spirit.

These will take each other by the right hand in the grip of the lowest endowment they together have reached. If one or neither are endowed, they may hold hands as moved by the Spirit. The following is then stated by the one performing the sealing at the altar:

Brother/Sister (State the person’s full legal name), do you take Brother/Sister (State the person’s full legal name), giving of yourself to him/her, and receiving him/her unto yourself, to be your lawfully wedded husband/wife, for time and all eternity, with this covenant and promise: that you will strive be one, and together observe and keep all the Laws, Rites, and Ordinances pertaining to this holy order of matrimony in the New and Everlasting Covenant; and this you do in the presence of God, angels, and these witnesses of your own free will and choice?”

The Brother or Sister should then answer in the affirmative, if they desire to be sealed. The individual performing the sealing then continues:

Sister/Brother (State the person’s full legal name), do you take Sister/Brother (State the person’s full legal name) giving of yourself to her/him, and receiving her/him unto yourself, to be your lawfully wedded wife/husband, for time and all eternity, with this covenant and promise: that you will strive to be one, and together observe and keep all the Laws, Rites, and Ordinances pertaining to this holy order of matrimony in the New and Everlasting Covenant; and this you do in the presence of God, angels, and these witnesses of your own free will and choice?”

The Sister or Brother should then answer in the affirmative, if they desire to be sealed. The individual performing the sealing then continues:

By the authority granted me of Jesus Christ and the Holy Priesthood, I seal you, (State the person’s full married name) and (State the person’s full married name), I seal you that as one you may be joint heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ for time and all eternity in the Renewed and Everlasting Covenant. I now pronounce you (if also being legally wed: legally and lawfully) husband/wife and wife/husband for time and all eternity; and I seal upon you the blessings of the holy resurrection, with power to come forth in the morning of the first resurrection, clothed in glory, immortality, and eternal lives.

“I seal upon you the blessings of kingdoms, thrones, principalities, powers, dominions, and exaltations, with all the blessings of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; and I say unto you: Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, that you may have joy and rejoicing in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.

“All these blessings, together with all the blessings appertaining unto the Renewed (or New) and Everlasting Covenant, I seal these blessings upon you by virtue of the Holy Priesthood, through your faithfulness, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. So mote it be: Amen.”

It should be noted that much of this sample blessing is extraneous, but these promises are still given by the sealing power (see Doctrines of the Saints 17e:47-51). The most important part the sealer should state is the following:

By the authority of the Holy Priesthood, I seal you, (State the person’s full name) and (State the person’s full name), that as one you may be joint heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ for time and all eternity in the Renewed (or New) and Everlasting Covenant, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Amen.”

If those being sealed are already marred legally, the terms “legally and lawfully” may be left out as well, if reading ritual in its entirety. It should also be noted that while both of those being sealed are giving themselves to one another, yet there is no mention of exclusion. If these desire to take another, they must do so as one.  

Sealing of Multiple Spouses

And if they as one desire to be sealed to another, be it a man or a woman, and they be found righteous, then behold: let them be sealed by my servant as one flesh, thus the three become one; and if these, as one, desire to take another, it shall be as the Spirit shall moveth them.” –Doctrine of the Saints 17e:19-20

In the previous part of this lesson, we went over the sealing of a couple. In this chapter we will discuss the sealing of those already sealed to new partners. As previously stated, the marriage of two or more persons may be performed by an Elder, High Priest or High Priestess. However, the Lord has advised us that in active churches of congregations, only those holding the office of Pastor or Bishop, Patriarch or Matriarch, Seventy, or Apostle should perform such ordinances (see Doctrines of the Saints 17d:17). Local, State, and Federal laws must also be followed. This means that is marriage to multiple partners is not legal, they should not be legally wed. These may be sealed, and would be married in the eyes of God, but not the law of the land.

It is recommended that those being sealed in marriage to multiple spouses should be of legal age, 21 or older.

There are no restrictions in the Church of Jesus Christ in Christian Fellowship on marriages based on race or sexual orientation. This means that both men and women may take additional spouses if this is the desire of all those already sealed as one (see Doctrines of the Saints 17d:4-11). Those marrying should be joined together eternally based on mutual love. However, the various churches may have such restrictions and/or restrictions against polygamy. Please take note of the rules of your church.

To all those wishing to be sealed the following questions should be asked:

  1. Do you take upon yourself the name of Christ, being born again unto your redeemer?
  2. Do you desire to be sealed unto (person or persons) by the sealing power of the Holy Priesthood and in covenant to God?
  3. Will you strive to move forward as one in Christ that the Holy Spirit may be in you and with you that you might be seal for all time and eternity? Are you obedient to the laws of the land?
  4. Are you willing to rejoice and mourn with one with the others, and do nothing to cause that any harm come to one another? (see Doctrines of the Saints 17e:31-37)

If they answer yes to all of these, a sealing may be performed to unite these for time and all eternity.

Questions may arise on the legality of being sealed to multiple persons, and how to view this in regards to obeying the commandments of God in following the laws of the land. The first thing we should understand is that the Lord does not require us to be sealed to multiple partners for salvation or exaltation (see Doctrines of the Saints 17d:24-28). And, the Lord has stated that we are to obey the laws of the land (see Romans 13:1-2; Titus 3:1, 1 Peter 2:13; Doctrines of the Saints 3d:4, 17d:23-25).

The Lord requires nothing of us without creating a way for us to accomplish it (see 1 Nephi 1:65 RAV, 37 OPV). If the Lord has called a family to add spouses, and these accept, the Lord will provide a way to accomplish this inside the law of the land, and we, as citizens and Saints should seek ways to obey both the Word of God to our families, and the laws governing our society. We should also petition peaceably for religious freedoms to worship and love and marry as we chose, as consenting adults.

The following is an example of the sealing of multiple persons for time and all eternity:

The sealer stands at the head of the altar, to the south, facing north. Two witnesses should be seated or standing one at the right and one at the left of the one that holds the sealing keys to stand at the altar (see Doctrines of the Saints 17e:40). The bride and groom, or groom and groom, or bride and bride, kneel at opposite sides of the altar, facing one another, clothed in the robes of the holy priesthood to the offices they have been ordained to. If they are not ministers, they should be dressed appropriately, as moved by the Spirit. These will take each other by the right hand in the grip of the lowest endowment they together have reached. If one or neither are endowed, they may hold hands as moved by the Spirit.

The following is then stated by the one performing the sealing at the altar:

Do you give your spouse unto this person to live in harmony within the Law of Sarah?”

If they answer in the negative, then their spouse shall not take another; if they answer in the affirmative then sealing may proceed.

All those sealed should now be gathered around the altar, holding hands in unison, if there are more than three in the most appropriate order of prayer, which is to say the least one everyone has been given. If anyone at the altar is not ordained, then they should all hold hands as moved by the Spirit, as they will all be sealed as one.

The sealer then continues:

Brother/Sister (State the person’s full legal name), do you take Brother/Sister (State the person’s full legal name), giving of yourselves to him/her, and receiving him/her unto yourselves, to be your spouse, for time and all eternity, with this covenant and promise: that you will strive be one, and together observe and keep all the Laws, Rites, and Ordinances pertaining to this holy order of matrimony in the Renewed (or New) and Everlasting Covenant; and this you do in the presence of God, angels, and these witnesses of your own free will and choice?”

The Brother or Sister speaking for the family should then answer in the affirmative, if they desire to be sealed. The individual performing the sealing then continues:

Sister/Brother (State the person’s full legal name), do you take Sister/Brother (State the person’s full legal name) giving of yourself to them, and receiving them unto yourself, to be your spouses, for time and all eternity, with this covenant and promise: that you will strive to be one, and together observe and keep all the Laws, Rites, and Ordinances pertaining to this holy order of matrimony in the New and Everlasting Covenant; and this you do in the presence of God, angels, and these witnesses of your own free will and choice?”

The Sister or Brother should then answer in the affirmative, if they desire to be sealed. The individual performing the sealing then continues:

By the authority granted me of Jesus Christ and the Holy Priesthood, I seal you, (State the person’s full name) and (State the person’s full name), I seal you that as one you may be joint heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ in the Renewed (or New) and Everlasting Covenant. I now pronounce you husband/wife and wife/husband for time and all eternity; and I seal upon you the blessings of the holy resurrection, with power to come forth in the morning of the first resurrection, clothed in glory, immortality, and eternal lives.

“I seal upon you the blessings of kingdoms, thrones, principalities, powers, dominions, and exaltations, with all the blessings of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; and I say unto you: Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, that you may have joy and rejoicing in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.

“All these blessings, together with all the blessings appertaining unto the Renewed (or New) and Everlasting Covenant, I seal upon you by virtue of the Holy Priesthood, through your faithfulness, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. So mote it be: Amen.”

It should be noted that much of this sample blessing is extraneous, but these promises are still given by the sealing power (see Doctrines of the Saints 17e:47-51). The most important part the sealer should state is the following:

By the authority of the Holy Priesthood, I seal you, (State the person’s full name) and (State the person’s full name), that as one you may be joint heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ for time and all eternity in the Renewed (or New) and Everlasting Covenant, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Amen.”

Sealing of Families for Time & All Eternity

And behold, if any with children desire to be sealed too one to another, that the hearts of the fathers be turned to the children and the hearts of the children be turned to their fathers… these shall ye gather around the altar with their parents.” –Doctrine of the Saints 17e:52, 54

In cases where a family with children are being sealed, first seal the spouses as one. Then, with the spouses across from one another at the altar, have the child or children circle around them (see Doctrines of the Saints 17e:52-54). The sealer stands at the head of the altar, to the south, facing north. Two witnesses should be seated or standing one at the right and one at the left of the one that holds the sealing keys to stand at the altar (see Doctrines of the Saints 17e:40).

The following is then stated by the one performing the sealing at the altar:

By the authority of the holy priesthood, I seal you, (State the full names of each child individually), to your father/mother (State the person’s full name) and to your mother/father (State the person’s full name) for time and all eternity, as heirs as though you were born in the Renewed (or New) and Everlasting Covenant, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; So mote it be, Amen.”

Note: This should only be used for those naturally born into the same family. For adoption, please see the next part of this lesson.

Sealing of Adoption for Time & All Eternity

And at the end of the final resurrection, they that shall rise in righteousness shall all be sealed as one, to restore that which was taken in the flesh to its purest form.” –Doctrine of the Saints 17d:12

Through the Law of Adoption, people may be sealed to others as parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren, or other family ties and relationships (see Book of the Law of the Lord 19). What is not acceptable to the Lord is to adopt people as servants or in servitude. If children are adopted and their parents are still living, they must let the sealer know, in writing, that they approve of the adoption. The minister performing the sealing then has a duty to ensure everything is legitimate, that there is no coercion by anyone and that all parties fully understand what this sealing means.

A sealing of adoption may be a spiritual bond, giving no one any legal authority or rights to anyone’s offspring. It may also be done after a family has legally adopted children as their own. Adults may wish to be sealed as children or other family members to other adults. We may be sealed to multiple families, parents, etc (see Doctrines of the Saints 17d:10-12).

When performing a Sealing of Adoption, the parents should across from one another at the altar, have the child or children circle around them (see Doctrines of the Saints 17e:52-54). If this is a sealing of other family relations, the one type should be one side with the other type on the other. If one set is already sealed, these should be on the East side facing west. The sealer stands at the head of the altar, to the south, facing north. Two witnesses should be seated or standing one at the right and one at the left of the one that holds the sealing keys to stand at the altar (see Doctrines of the Saints 17e:40).

The following is then stated by the one performing the sealing at the altar:

Do each of you, (State the full names of those being adopted) give yourself/yourselves to (State the person’s full name of those being adopted) and receive them as your (relation type: mother, father, etc.) by the Law of Adoption for time and all eternity, and so become legal heirs to the promises pertaining to our fathers Abraham, Issac, and Jacob; and our mothers Sarah, Rebecca, Leah, Rachel, Bilhah and Zilpah, in the priesthood?”

Adoptees should then each individually acknowledge in the affirmative.

Do you (State the person’s full name of those adopting) accept (State the full names of those being adopted), to be your (relation type: son, daughter, etc.) as now they being given to you in the New (or Renewed or Restored) and Everlasting Covenant?”

Adopters should then each individually acknowledge in the affirmative.

Then I seal you as one, that together you may be joint heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ in the New (or Renewed or Restored) and Everlasting Covenant for time and all eternity; and I seal upon you the blessings of the holy resurrection, with power to come forth in the morning of the first resurrection, clothed in glory, immortality, and eternal lives.

I seal upon you the blessings of kingdoms, thrones, principalities, powers, dominions, and exaltations, with all the blessings of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and Sarah, Rebecca, Leah, Rachel, Bilhah and Zilpah; and I say unto you: In all diligence, and in faithfulness and love, may you aid and teach one anther by persuasion, by longsuffering, by gentleness and meekness, and by love unfeigned; by kindness, and pure knowledge in all the principles of righteousness and truth and rejoicing in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.

“All these blessings, together with all the blessings appertaining unto the New (or Renewed or Restored) and Everlasting Covenant, I seal upon you by virtue of the Holy Priesthood, through your faithfulness, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. So mote it be: Amen.”

It should be noted that much of this sample blessing is extraneous, but these promises are still given by the sealing power (see Doctrines of the Saints 17e:47-51). The most important part the sealer should state is the following:

By the authority of the Holy Priesthood, I seal you, (State full names of the adopters) and (State full names of the adoptees), that as one you may be joint heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ for time and all eternity in the New (or Renewed or Restored) and Everlasting Covenant, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Amen.”

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