Marriage is a sacred ordinance and a Sacrament of Union. It is both a personal commitment and a public declaration of love and devotion. In the Fellowship of Christ, the Sacrament of Marriage for Time is conducted with reverence, ensuring that both spiritual and legal obligations are fulfilled.
Behold, if a man taketh unto himself a wife, so too doth a woman take the man as a husband unto her; yea and these are one flesh to grow together in my Grace.” –Doctrine of the Saints 17e:4
Key Concepts
- Sacred Unity Through Sealing: The Sacrament of Sealing is a sacred ordinance uniting individuals and families for time and eternity. It reflects the eternal bond of love and commitment shared by those sealed and aligns them with God’s covenant of exaltation.
- Authority and Process: Sealing requires the authority of the High Priesthood and is performed by Elders, High Priests, or High Priestesses in accordance with divine and legal standards. The ceremony follows specific rituals, emphasizing the eternal significance of the covenant being made.
- Inclusivity and Eternal Families: The Sacrament of Sealing welcomes all who seek eternal unity, regardless of race, orientation, or marital structure. It includes marriages, family bonds, and adoption, with a focus on love, mutual respect, and the eternal growth of those sealed.
Sacred Unity Through Sealing
The Sacrament of Sealing unites spouses, families, and communities through divine authority. It exemplifies the teachings of Christ by fostering eternal love, commitment, and unity among those sealed. This sacred bond mirrors God’s eternal covenant with His children, emphasizing the significance of relationships in our spiritual growth and eternal oneness in our exaltation.
Authority and Process
The ordinance is conducted by a member of the High Priesthood, Elder, High Priest or High Priestess, adhering to established rituals and legal standards. Whether sealing couples, families, or adoptees, the officiant invokes divine authority to pronounce blessings of eternal life, unity, and exaltation. Participants take upon themselves sacred commitments, affirming their dedication to one another and to God.
The following questions should be asked before a sealing may be performed :
- Do you take upon yourself the name of Christ, being born again unto your redeemer?
- Do you desire to be sealed unto (person or persons) by the sealing power of the Holy Priesthood and in covenant to God?
- Will you strive to move forward as one in Christ that the Holy Spirit may be in you and with you that you might be seal for all time and eternity?
- Are you obedient to the laws of the land?
- Are you willing to rejoice and mourn with one with the others, and do nothing to cause that any harm come to one another? (see Doctrines of the Saints 17e:31-37)
If they answer in the affirmative to all of these, a sealing may be performed to unite these for time and all eternity.
Inclusivity and Eternal Families
The Sacrament of Sealing is open to all who desire to enter into eternal bonds of love and commitment. Marriages, plural unions, and adoptions are performed with the understanding that love and unity are the foundations of God’s covenant. Inclusivity in sealing ensures that all relationships, regardless of societal norms, can reflect the divine ideal of eternal togetherness.
There are no restrictions in the Church of Jesus Christ in Christian Fellowship on marriages based on race or sexual orientation. However, they may be restrictions in the various Latter Day Saint churches. Those entering marriage should be joined together in the Lord based their mutual love for one another.
Discussion Questions
If you are taking this course independently, please use the quiz to turn in your answers.
- How does the Sacrament of Sealing reflect the eternal nature of God’s covenant with humanity?
- Why is the authority of the High Priesthood crucial in performing the ordinance of sealing?
- How does the inclusivity of the Sacrament of Sealing align with the principles of divine love and unity?
Suggested Actions to Grow in Faith
- Study and Reflect: Reflect on the eternal relationships in their lives and how they contribute to their spiritual growth.
- Participate in Fellowship: Discuss with a trusted friend or family member the significance of sealing and what it means to them personally.
- Serve in Preparation: Prepare to participate in or witness a sealing ordinance by studying the scriptures and principles underlying this sacred act.
Final Thought or Meditation
By the authority of the Holy Priesthood, I seal you, that as one you may be joint heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ for time and all eternity.”
Take a moment to ponder the eternal nature of love and unity. Imagine yourself kneeling at the altar, surrounded by loved ones, and feel the divine presence binding you together in a covenant that transcends time. Consider the portion of the Sealing prayer above. Reflect on how you can strengthen and cherish the relationships in your life today, preparing them for eternity.