About Lesson
Intro to the Plates of Brass
(According to the Book of Mormon)
- 1 Nephi 1:157-171 RAV, 5:9-19 OPV – Lehi and Nephi search the Plates of Brass
- 1 Nephi 3:155-175 RAV, 13:19-29 OPV – Nephi compares the Bible to the Plates of Brass
- 1 Nephi 7 RAV, 1 Nephi 22 OPV – Are these things Temporal? Spiritual?
- Jacob 3:9-25 RAV, 4:8-14 OPV – Jacob condemns the jews for looking beyond the mark
- Mosiah 1:1-13 RAV, 1:1-8 OPV – King Benjamin explains the value of the Plates of Brass
- Alma 12:101 RAV, 18:24-39 OPV – Ammon teaches Lamonhi from the Plates of Brass
- Alma 17:31-42 RAV, 37:1-12 OPV – Alma’s thoughts on the Plates of Brass
- Helaman 5:93-101 RAV, 15:5-11 OPV – Traditions of Fathers vs the Holy Scriptures
- Identify the contents and purposes of the Plates of Brass
- Recognize that role the Plates of Brass play in the Last Days
- Decide how best to approach the contents of the Plates of Brass
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