By Her Beauty and the Integrity of My Heart
(In The Innocence of My Hands)
Primary Content (From 1 Sefer Moses, the Book of Beginnings):
- Chapter 24 – Two Paths
- Chapter 25 – Taken and Given
Additional Reading (Comparison Texts):
- Genesis 13-14, 20-21 from the Inspired Version of the Bible
- Introduce the kabbalistic concept of Beauty
Kabbalistic Concepts:
- Beauty
Engage the Concepts through Comparison
The titles of these two chapters imply there’s something to compare in each of them. What are the “Two Paths” from chapter 24? How do they differ, what does comparing them to each other teach us about them?
In Chapter 25, what is “given”, and what is “taken”? I find it interesting that the stuff about marriage is in chapter 24, not 25, and chapter 25 is about “Given and Taken”. What can we learn about the giving and taking, and what can each one teach us about the other when we compare them?
Engage the Spirit through Contemplation
Chapter 24, Vs 28-30 we get a very interesting re-writing of the exchange between Abimelech and Abraham about why Abimelech married Sarah, with Abraham’s approval. At first glance, “because of her beauty” sounds a lot like “I had to do it because she’s gorgeous.” I invite you to look beyond Sarah, Abimelich, and Abraham. This passage is introducing the kabbalistic concept of Beauty. This text is associating it with integrity of the heart (not lusts of the flesh). Allegorically speaking, there is a lot going on here just below the surface, and I invite you to ponder it prayerfully and see where the beauty of this passage takes you.
Engage the Group through Discussion
When you meet together as a group to discuss the content of these chapters, here are some ideas to help get the discussion going:
- 25:19 identifies caring for the poor and the needy as the primary purpose of tithing. Many modern churches consider the purpose of the tithe as being to support the clergy and pay for church buildings and things, including many branches of the restoration. What are your thoughts on this? Are we doing it wrong? Is this old way out of date and no longer applicable?