The Mysteries of God – The Beginnings
About Lesson

Ladder Stretching From Earth Unto the Heavens

(Yashar-El, Even the Straight Path to Ha’Elohim)


Primary Content (From 1 Sefer Moses, the Book of Beginnings):

  • Chapter 38 – The Deception and the Blessing
  • Chapter 39 – The Ladder


Additional Reading (Comparison Texts):

  • Genesis 27-28 from the Inspired Version of the Bible
  • Matthew 7:24−27 – Build upon the rock (not sand)
  • Helaman 5:12 – The Sure Foundation



  • Explore the symbolism of numbers woven into the story of Jacob’s ladder.


Kabbalistic Concepts:

  • Foundation
  • 3 – Mothers and Fathers
  • 7 – Days or Seasons
  • 10 – The Three and Seven combined
  • 12 – The Heavens themselves
  • 22 – the 10 and 12 combined, together forming a Tree  (also there are 22 letters in the alef-bet)



Engage the Text through Investigation

Consider the numbers that are mentioned in the description of the ladder (ch 39:20-21).  I’ve listed them below with the short descriptions it gives for each.  Take some time to make notes of any other places where these same numbers are being used, and what their meanings are in those other places.  


From v22:

  • There are 22 steps on this ladder, broken into 2 subgroups: 10 + 12 = 22


From v23-24:

  • The 10 steps are further broken down into 2 more subgroups:  3 + 7 = 10
  • The First 3 were Mothers and Fathers, and things flow out of (or are borne out of) them
  • The other 7 were Days/Seasons … they are also “in duplication” or “doubles”


From v25:

  • The other 12 steps are the Heavens themselves. … which appears to be in reference to the stars and other celestial objects, since back in chapter 3:23-24 they are the signs given mankind, and their passions, thrusting forth in all directions.  The way I “visualize” this is that the stars are the outer curtain of knowable creation, the pillars of eternity. These 12 encircle creation, and also extend out infinitely. (Metaphorically, of course)


From v26:

  • These 22 steps, together could be thought of as a tree (instead of a ladder, if you wish) with roots that go down deep into creation, and branches that go up and out eternally into the heavens.   


From v27:

  • This tree, is like the burning bush, which Moses describes as being aflame, but not consumed by the flame.
  • Also, this whole thing can be conceptualized like a compass, where the directions of the compass are somehow related to the ladder/tree/burning bush.


Notes on the Hebrew Letters

It’s interesting to note that this ladder is unmistakably supposed to remind us of the Hebrew letters.  I don’t want to imply that this is the “only” intended meaning for all of these numbers, or even that it is an important connection.  But there is an “obvious” correlation going on.  Here are some noteworthy similarities:

  • There are 22 Hebrew letters.  
  • 3 of those 22 are the Mothers, (Alef, Mem, and Sin) and they are associated with air, water and fire.
  • 7 of those 22 are the Doubles.  These are letters that have a hard and soft sound (Bet, Gimel, Dalet, Kaf, Peh, Resh)
  • The other 12 complete the alef-bet:  (Hei, Vav, Zayin, Chet, Tet, Yod, Lamed, Nun, Samekh, Ayin, Tzadi, Qof, Tav)


Engage the Concepts through Comparison

Consider the places within this course where these same numbers have already been introduced, and whether or not their use here is connected to their use there.   The 3 houses, the 12 righteous, the 7 days of creation.  The 22…? 


Engage the Spirit through Contemplation

In 39:20-31, we have a description of Jacob’s Dream of the Ladder connecting the earth to the heavens; it has multiple kabbalistic concepts that I think are worth pondering.  


  • The bottom of the ladder is set up upon a Foundation.  What is that foundation?  Why does it need a foundation? … Contemplate the Foundation.


  • The ladder is also a tree, which is aflame but not consumed.  What is the burning bush?


  • The ladder is a connection between earth and heaven, where heavenly beings ascend and descend.  What is the ladder?  Does this ladder bring the earth to the heavens, or the heavens to the earth?


Engage the Group through Discussion

When you meet together as a group to discuss the content of these chapters, here are some ideas to help get the discussion going:


  • The entire deception/blessing chapter (38) is bizarre.  What are your thoughts?  How are we supposed to use this story in our own journey?


  • In 38:30, Isaac gives Jacob the keys of the kingdom of heaven. This is a very “new testament” idea. What do you make of that?  Does this change the way you view the keys of the kingdom? Does it change the way you view the old testament view of the kingdom?  What is the “fall out” of this concept being used at this time period?


Exercise Files
1Mo – 18 – Ladder, Foundation.pdf
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