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The Sacrament of the Endowments
“As each of you has received a gift (a particular spiritual talent, a gracious divine endowment), employ it for one another as befits good trustees of God’s many-sided grace.” —1 Peter 4:10, Amplified Bible As we receive our Endowments we are, in fact, covenanting to serve Christ and labor in His vineyard.
Ordinances of the Saints 108: The Temple Ordinances (The Sacrament of the Ministry)
About Lesson

The following is a play-by-play script for this Endowment. While the washings, anointings, and signs and tokens should be performed as instructed, the verbiage does not need to be exact, and the scripture references may be exchanged for other scriptural references as moved by the Holy Spirit.

A dramatized version of the Initiatories.

Washing of the Feet


If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you.” –John 13:14-15

Officiator 1

Washes of the feet of the person being ordained with water or oil, as Jesus washed the feet of his disciples, will be performed (John 13: 4-5).


Officiator 1

To begin the Initiatory, holy water is placed upon the head, and the person is “washed” by a High Priest or High Priestess. If done remotely, the tallit will be placed gently upon the individual’s head.

Officiator 1

(State the person’s full name), having authority to act in the name of Jesus Christ, I wash you preparatory to your receiving your anointings, that you may become clean from the blood and sins of this generation.

“I anoint your head, that your brain and your intellect may be clear and active;

“your ears, that you may hear the word of the Lord;

“your eyes, that you may see the glory of God;

“your nose, that you may smell the offerings of the Lord;

“your mouth, that you may speak forth His praise;

“your neck, that it may bear up your head properly;

“your shoulders, that they may bear the burdens that shall be placed thereon;

“your back, that there may be marrow in the bones and in the spine;

“your breast, that it may be the receptacle of pure and virtuous principles;

“your vitals and bowels, that they may be healthy and perform their proper functions;

“your arms, that you may be strong to perform His work;

“your hands, that they may be strong and wield the sword of justice in defense of truth and virtue;

“your loins, that you may be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth, that you might have joy in your “posterity;

“your legs, that you might run and not be weary, and walk and not faint;

“your feet, that they might be swift in the paths of righteousness and truth.”

Officiator 2

With hands or the tallit on the initiate’s head, the second officiator seals the washing as follows:

(Brother/Sister), (state the person’s full name); having authority, we lay our hands upon your head and seal upon you this washing, that you may become clean from the blood and sins of this generation through your faithfulness; in the name of Jesus Christ. So mote it be; Amen.”


Officiator 2

After washing, consecrated oil and is placed upon the head, and the individual is anointed by the officiator, as follows:

(Brother/Sister) (state their full name); having authority to act in the name of Jesus Christ, I pour this holy anointing oil upon your head and anoint you preparatory to your becoming a (Priest/Priestess) unto the most high God;  hereafter to rule and reign in the house of Israel forever.

“I anoint your head, that your brain and your intellect may be clear and active;

“your ears, that you may hear the word of the Lord;

“your eyes, that you may see the glory of God;

“your nose, that you may smell of the sweet fragrance offered unto the Lord;

“your mouth, that you may speak forth His praise;

“your neck, that it may bear up your head properly;

“your shoulders, that they may bear the burdens that shall be placed thereon;

“your back, that there may be marrow in the bones and in the spine;

“your breast, that it may be the receptacle of pure and virtuous principles;

“your vitals and bowels, that they may be healthy and perform their proper functions;

“your arms, that you may be strong to perform His work;

“your hands, that they may be strong and wield the sword of justice in defense of truth and virtue;

“your loins, that you may be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth, that you might have joy in your posterity;

“your legs, that you might run and not be weary, and walk and not faint;

“your feet, that they might be swift in the paths of righteousness and truth.”

Officiator 1

With the tallit on the initiate’s head, with the first officiator, and confirm and seals the anointing:

Brother/Sister (name); having authority to act in the name of Jesus Christ, we lay our hands upon your head and confirm upon you this anointing, wherewith you have been anointed in the temple of our Lord and our God, Jesus Christ; preparatory to becoming a (king/queen) and a (Priest/Priestess) unto the most high God; hereafter to rule and reign in the house of Israel forever, and seal upon you all the blessings hereunto appertaining, through your faithfulness; in the name of Jesus Christ. So mote it be: Amen.”


Officiator 1

Hands the garments, tallit, and sash to recipient, facing eastward at the altar, and given the tallit and the sash, they will put on the Garments of the Holy Priesthood. The following blessing is given:

Brother/Sister (name), having authority on behalf of Jesus Christ, I place this garment upon you, which you are to wear in service to the Lord throughout your life. It represents the garment given to Adam and Eve when they were found naked in the garden of Eden and is called the Garment of the Holy Priesthood. Inasmuch as you do not defile it, but are true and faithful to your covenants, it will be a shield and a protection to you against the power of the destroyer until you have finished your work here upon the earth.

“With this garment, I give you a new name, which you should always remember, and which you must keep sacred hereafter.

“The name is (name).

(A general blessing may follow, as moved by the Holy Spirit of prophecy.)

We leave this blessing with you, in the Spirit of prophecy, and in the name of our Lord and Savior, even Jesus Christ; So Mote It Be: Amen.


And this shall ye say unto the world when they receive these things: Turn thee away from sin as thy father and mother, Adam and Eve, and walk the path of righteousness; behold, this is the secret mystery of the reverence of the Lord. Those who are worthy, these shall go directly to the secret, for unto them the mystery has been revealed; and I say unto these, look and see, for only unto those filled with the Spirit of God shall be revealed the secret of God. Thus I say unto thee: Proclaim peace; praise God, the ruler above, in my name; yea preach repentance in my name; and the chosen shall create heaven on earth; the beauty of Israel shall even blossom from their bosoms: for prayers proclaim the glory; by prayer shalt thou stay upon the path of the Lord; therefore, give praise that thou may grow in grace that the world shall see my perfection in thee.” –Book of Remembrance 12:15-26

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