Unfolding the Revelations of John
About Lesson

The Tale of Two Churches

(The Church of the Lamb of God – vs – The Great And Abominable Church)


Primary Reading:

  • 1st Nephi 3:217-231 (RAV) / 14:8-14 (OPV)
  • Revelation Chapters 13 & 14



  • Increase understanding of the two churches through mutual comparison
  • See how the events in Revelation have been playing out over all of Earth’s temporal history


Passages for Comparison:

  • Revelation 13:1 => Zenos 9:31 :: Beast rises out of sea – 6th Dispensation
  • Revelation 13:2-3 => Zenos 10:3-6 :: Wounded Beast is Healed – 7th Dispensation
  • Revelation 13:4-5 => Zenos 3:24-25 :: Worshiped the Beast – 1st Dispensation
  • Revelation 13:6 => Zenos 6:19 :: Blaspheme in Tabernacle – 3rd Dispensation
  • Revelation 13:7 => Zenos 7:23 :: Overcome Believers via War – 4th Dispensation
  • Revelation 13:8-9 => Zenos 2:24 :: All Dwell in Darkness – Pre-Dispensation
  • Revelation 13:10 => Zenos 9:32-33 :: Leading All Into Captivity – 6th Dispensation
  • Revelation 13:11-12 => Zenos 10:7-8 :: A Second Beast, like the first – 7th Dispensation
  • Revelation 13:13-14 => Zenos 3:26-28 :: Miraculous Priestcraft, Idol Worship – 1st Dispensation
  • Revelation 13:15 => Zenos 4:12-13 :: Gives Life to Beast, Death to Man – 2nd Dispensation
  • Revelation 13:16-18 => Zenos 6:20-22 :: The Mark, Economic Tyranny – 3rd Dispensation
  • Revelation 14:1-3 => Zenos 7:1-2 :: Stand in Holy Places – 4th Dispensation
  • Revelation 14:4-5 => Zenos 9:35-37 :: Walk in Teshuvah – 6th Dispensation
  • Revelation 14:6-8 => Zenos 10:24-27 :: Worship the Creator – 7th Dispensation
  • Revelation 14:9-13 => Zenos 6:1 :: Avoid the Wrath – 3rd Dispensation
  • Revelation 14:14-20 => Zenos 10:29-36 :: The Harvest – 7th Dispensation


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