Unfolding the Revelations of John
About Lesson

The Seven Vials

(The Wrath of YHVH is Poured Out)


Primary Reading:

  • Revelation Chapters 15 & 16
  • 1st Nephi 3:232-237 (RAV) / 14:15-17 (OPV) :: The Wrath of God is on the Mother of Harlots



  • Consider multiple ways to view the events tied in with the Vials
  • Consider the most reasonable ways to prepare oneself for these things.


Passages for Comparison:

  • Revelation 15 => nothing :: Setting the stage for pouring out the vials
  • Revelation 16:1 => Zenos 2:28 :: A Voice Saying: Pour out the Vials
  • Revelation 16:2 => Zenos 3:41-42 :: 1st Vial Poured Out – A Grievous Sore
  • Revelation 16:3 => Zenos 4:15 :: 2nd Vial Poured Out – Death to All Sea Creatures
  • Revelation 16:4-7 => Zenos 6:13-15 :: 3rd Vial Poured Out – Rivers Turn to Blood
  • Revelation 16:8-9 => Zenos 7:17-18 :: 4th Vial Poured Out – Scorching Heat from Sun
  • Revelation 16:10-11 => Zenos 8:12-13 :: 5th Vial Poured Out – Darkness, Pain
  • Revelation 16:12-16 => Zenos 9:60-63 :: 6th Vial Poured Out – Rivers Dry Up
  • Revelation 16:17-21 => Zenos 10:48 :: 7th Vial Poured Out – The Air? And Hail


Exercise Files
18 – Vials of the Wrath of YHVH.pdf
Size: 104.30 KB
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