Unfolding the Revelations of John
About Lesson

The Throne Room of YHVH

(An Angel Falls)


Primary Reading:

  • Zenos Chapter 2
  • Revelation Chapter 4



  • Ponder upon this window to the heavens, consider the makeup of the Divine Council.
  • Consider how the Dragon from the Heavens became the Leviathan on the Earth.


Passages for Comparison:

  • Zenos 2:1-3 => Revelation 4:1 – The Windows of Heaven
  • Zenos 2:4-7 => Revelation 4:2-5 – A Throne, and Some Precious Stones
  • Zenos 2:8-18 => Revelation 4:6-11 – A Urim and Thummim, and a Compass
  • Zenos 2:19-23 => Revelation 12:7-9, 17 – A War in Heaven
  • Zenos 2:24 => Revelation 13:8 – The Book of Life
  • Zenos 2:25-26 => Revelation 5:6 – The Sacrificial Lamb
  • Zenos 2:27-28 => Revelation 16:1 – Angels with Vials of God’s Wrath


Exercise Files
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David Ferriman 9 months ago
"Consider how the Dragon from the Heavens became the Leviathan on the Earth." This is an interesting point, the heavens are above the earth while the abyss is below.