About Lesson
The Throne Room of YHVH
(An Angel Falls)
Primary Reading:
- Zenos Chapter 2
- Revelation Chapter 4
- Ponder upon this window to the heavens, consider the makeup of the Divine Council.
- Consider how the Dragon from the Heavens became the Leviathan on the Earth.
Passages for Comparison:
- Zenos 2:1-3 => Revelation 4:1 – The Windows of Heaven
- Zenos 2:4-7 => Revelation 4:2-5 – A Throne, and Some Precious Stones
- Zenos 2:8-18 => Revelation 4:6-11 – A Urim and Thummim, and a Compass
- Zenos 2:19-23 => Revelation 12:7-9, 17 – A War in Heaven
- Zenos 2:24 => Revelation 13:8 – The Book of Life
- Zenos 2:25-26 => Revelation 5:6 – The Sacrificial Lamb
- Zenos 2:27-28 => Revelation 16:1 – Angels with Vials of God’s Wrath
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