Unfolding the Revelations of John
About Lesson

The First Dispensation – Michael

(Adam and Eve, and their Descendants)


Primary Reading:

  • Zenos Chapter 3



  • Learn to recognize Lilith for who she is, and the characteristics of the Leviathan she rides upon.
  • Observe Michael as he participates in the unfolding of time.
  • Ponder upon YHVH’s Letter to the Sons and Daughters of Adam and Eve.


Passages for Comparison:

  • Zenos 3:1-20 => Revelation 17:1-18 – Lilith and the Leviathan
  • Zenos 3:21-23 => Revelation 12:1-2, 13 – Shekinah vs the Dragon
  • Zenos 3:24-28 => Revelation 13:4, 13-14 – Lilith and Cain
  • Zenos 3:29-31 => Revelation 6:1-2 – Michael’s Dispensation is Unsealed
  • Zenos 3:32-33 => Revelation 8:7 – Michael’s Shofar is Sounded
  • Zenos 3:34-40 => Revelation 2:1-7 – YHVH’s Letter to the Sons and Daughters of Adam and Eve
  • Zenos 3:41-42 => Revelation 16:2 – Michael’s Vial is Poured Out


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