About Lesson
The Second Dispensation – Zaphkiel
(Enoch and the city of Zion)
Primary Reading:
- Zenos Chapters 4 and 5
- Increase our understanding of what the City of Enoch is really all about
- Discover ways that the other passages from Revelation tie into that narrative.
Passages for Comparison:
- Zenos 4:1-3 => Revelation 6:3-4 :: Zaphkiel’s Dispensation is Unsealed
- Zenos 4:4-5 => Revelation 8:8-9 :: Zaphkiel’s Shofar is Sounded
- Zenos 4:6-11 => Revelation 12:3-4, 14 :: Shekinah vs the Dragon
- Zenos 4:12-14 => Revelation 13:15 :: Lilith and Cain
- Zenos 4:15 => Revelation 16:3 :: Zaphkiel’s Vial is Poured Out
- Zenos 4:16-18 => Revelation 2:9-11 :: YHVH’s Letter to the Inhabitants of Zion
- Zenos 5 and … Nothing? :: The City of Enoch is raised up into the Bosom of the Father
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