Unfolding the Revelations of John
About Lesson

The Sixth Dispensation – Zadkiel

(John Heralds the Coming of the Messiah)


Primary Reading:

  • Zenos Chapter 9
  • 1 Nephi 3:37-138 (RAV) /  11:1 – 13:3 (OPV) :: Interpretation of the Vision of the Tree of Life
  • 1 Nephi 5:242-257 (RAV) / 19:10-17 (OPV) :: According to the words of the Prophet Zenos



  • View the turning point in the history of Creation from multiple vantage points


Passages for Comparison:

  • Zenos 9:1-2 => Revelation 12:10-11 :: Shekinah vs the Dragon
  • Zenos 9:4-30 => 1 Nephi 3:37-138 (RAV) /  11:1 – 13:3 (OPV) :: The Condescension of God
  • Zenos 9:31-34 => Revelation 13:1, 9-10, 14 :: Lilith and Leviathan
  • Zenos 9:35-38 => Revelation 14:4-5 :: 144 Thousand
  • Zenos 9:39-41 => Revelation 3:7-12 :: YHVH’s Letter to All the Sheep of His Folds
  • Zenos 9:42-44 => Revelation 6:12-14 :: Zadkiel’s Dispensation is Unsealed
  • Zenos 9:45-52 => Revelation 7:1-8 :: Zadkiel’s Dispensation is Unsealed (cont)
  • Zenos 9:53-39 => Revelation 9:13-21 :: Zadkiel’s Shofar is Sounded
  • Zenos 9:60-63 => Revelation 16:12-14 :: Zadkiel’s Vial is Poured Out
  • Zenos 9:64-67 => Mosiah 1:98-105 (RAV) / 3:5-10 (OPV) :: King Benjamin
  • Zenos 9:68-70 => Rev 6:15-17 :: Zadkiel’s Dispensation is Unsealed (cont)
  • Zenos 9:71-80 => 1 Nephi 5:245-257 (RAV) / 19:11-17 (OPV) :: According to the Prophet Zenos


Exercise Files
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