Your Patriarchal Blessing
About Lesson

Day 6


Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, … Tribe?


The purpose for “Day 6” is to recognize that our blessings are interwoven with those of our ancestors.  Our blessings are the fulfillment of the promises made to our mothers and fathers all the way back through time.



Most patriarchal blessings will identify you with one (or more) of the “tribes” of Israel, identify what tribe(s) you have been associated with.  Also, identify other patriarchs or matriarchs who are specifically mentioned in your blessing.

Find places in the scriptures where your forefathers (and foremothers) are promised specific blessings for themselves and their descendants.   If YHVH promised Abraham and Sarah specific blessings for their children, and your blessing says you are one of their children, then your blessing implicitly includes those other blessings.   Make references in your margins to those blessings so you can read them too.

Each of Jacob’s children (including Dinah) has a blessing recorded on the plates of brass in 2 Moses, chapters 21-33.  Also, in chapter 19, Jacob gives Joseph’s sons, Manasseh and Ephraim, each their own blessing (in addition to the blessing he gave Joseph in chapter 32).



Ponder upon the blessings promised to those who preceded you.  Ponder on those parts of their blessings that are directed toward their posterity.  Ponder and pray about how those promises are woven into your life and how you can participate in the events they foretell.

Make a journal entry about your thoughts.


At the End of Day 6:

You should feel that your heart is turned to your fathers (and mothers).  And that their hearts have been turned toward you.   You should know that you are not alone in your struggles, and that those who have come before also struggled, and that they smile upon your efforts just as living parents hope and dream and wish the best for their children.