Your Patriarchal Blessing
And the Angel of YHVH spoke to Jacob, saying: Israel, fear not: for YHVH did not send thy seed unto death, but unto life; Therefore, take courage and warn thy sons (and daughter), let them know to remember YHVH always that thy seed might bring forth the final act of creation.
And Jacob gained strength in YHVH, and his heart was full; and he praised Elohim, for though his eyes were blinded, in YHVH he had seen and lived.
And it came to pass that Jacob called unto his sons (and daughter) and said: Gather yourselves together, that I may tell you what shall befall my seed in the last days; Gather yourselves together and hear, year that are Israel; and harken unto Jacob, your father.
And filled with the breath of Ha’Elohim, Jacob Spoke unto [them]…
– 2 Moses 20:17 – 21:3 (From the plates of brass)
About this course
This course is intended as a self-study workshop for those who want to delve more deeply into the study of their own Patriarchal Blessing.
For those who do not have a patriarchal blessing, but desire one, if your branch of the restoration is one that offers patriarchal blessings, we invite you to request one through whatever channels have been made available through your church. For those who do not have that option, you can request a patriarchal blessing through the Church of Jesus Christ in Christian Fellowship (cjccf.org) which could help to arrange for a patriarchal blessing or other ordinances you find yourself in need of.
As you work your way through the lesson plans, you will be creating a journal commentary on your blessing. Since it is a creative work, we thought it would be appropriate to divide the work up into seven creative periods (or “days”). Each day being subdivided into the evening and morning. And each day having a goal which you can look at at the end of that day, and decide the work up to that point is good.
If you have questions about the course, or ideas on ways to improve it, please reach out.