A Mormon Kabbalistic Rosary Meditation?
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A Mormon Kabbalistic Rosary Meditation?

(A Guided Journey Along the Strait Path)



  • There is a more printable PDF version of this in this Lesson’s “Attached Documents” section.
  • For each “bead” there is an underlined word (or words) is the mental meaning of that bead. As you grasp each bead, connect your mind with that particular word or idea before you recite the words of the meditation for that bead.
  • In each section, the bolded words are intended to be used as an “abbreviated version”, you can skip the rest as you get to know the basic structure of the meditation, and add the details as you study the passages that bring clarity to those details.


Section 1: Before the Formation (the Beginning)

[ The Tree ]

O Ahyeh Asher Ahyeh, Creator of all things from the Beginning,

[ Both* large: 1, 5 ]

Who, in Knowledge and Wisdom organized:

[ 2 ]

The elohim

[ 3 ]

And the Heavens

[ 4 ]

And the Earth

* In order to assign meaning to the two large beads at the same time, even though they are not sequential, I actually cradle one of them on my pointer finger and the other on my ring finger, with the other three beads resting between them held up by my middle finger. Then I use my thumb as I move between them. Sorry if its awkward, but Knowledge and Wisdom are “equals” so it wont do to make one of them a big bead and the other small. Also, the image of having their children emerge out of the area between them is meaningful, so … I decided to run with it.


Section 2: The Divine Council (Ha’Elohim)

[ The Triangle ]

O Great YHVH, Unity of Ha’Elohim, the Divine Council

[ 1 ]

Which council includes (among others):
The Herald of Understanding AND of the Crown:
Even Metatron, who is also Tzaphkiel, the “Knowledge of God”
And who walked the earth as Enoch

[ 2 ]

The Herald of (our Mother) Wisdom:
Even Raphael, the “Healer of God”,
Who is also Raziel, the “Mystery of God”
And who walked the earth as Melchizedek

[ 3 ]

The Herald of (our Father) Knowledge:
Even The Angel of YHVH, the “Messenger of the Unity of Ha’Elohim”
Who walked the earth as Yeshua, the Son of Man
But, in his place stands Khamael the “Seeker of God”
Who walked the earth as Alma

[ 4 ]

The Herald of Mercy:
Even Tzadkiel, the “Righteousness of God”
Who walked the earth as Yochanan, the Baptist

[ 5 ]

The Herald of Strength (or Justice):
Even Michael, the “Likeness of God”
Who walked the earth as Adam, the Ancient of Days

[ 6 ]

The Herald of Beauty:
Even Ariel, the “Lion of God”
Who is also Uriel, the “Fire of God”
And who walked the earth as Joseph Smith, Jr

[ 7 ]

The Herald of the Eternal Torah:
Even Haniel, the “Joy of God”
Who walked the earth as Moses, the Law Giver

[ 8 ]

The Herald of Glory:
Even Qaphsiel, the “Swiftness of God”
Who walked the earth as Moroni

[ 9 ]

The Herald of the Foundation:
Even Gabriel, the “Man of God”
Who walked the earth as Noah

[ 10 ]

The Herald of the Kingdom:
Even Sandalphon, who is Remiel the “thunder of God”
Who walked the earth as Elijah


Section 3: The Robes of Priesthood / Mantle of Righteousness

[ The Large Bead ]

O Aleph-Tav, the first and the last, even the Son of Man,

[ 1 ]

Clothed in glory from your Crown even to your feet.

[ 2, 3 ]

Whose eyes are as a flame of fire,
full of Wisdom and Knowledge

[ 4, 5 ]

In whose hands are Mercy and Judgement,
a sharp two edged sword

[ 6 ]

Being girded about with Beauty,
Radiant as the sun

[ 7, 8 ]

Whose feet are as Eternal Glory,
refined in the furnace

[ 9 ]

Who walks upon your Footstool,
the very Foundation

[ 10 ]

Whose train fills the temple,
And whose Kingdom is Not of this World,


Section 4: The Torah as the Seed of the New Creation

[ The Large Bead ]

O YHVH, I pray thee, plant thy Torah as a seed within my heart
that it might grow as a tree within me, even a new creation

[ 1 ]

Even as in the beginning, the Creator contemplated this, the creation  before the days in which she was organized.

[ 2 ]

When only darkness was seen on the surface of the waters.

[ 3 ]

And the depths of the endless abyss were yet unseen.

[ 4 ]

Then, on the first day, the Creator…
divided the light from the darkness,

And the darkness of evening was pierced by the light of the morning;

[ 5 ]

And, on the second day, the Creator…
placed the firmament
as a veil between the heavens and the earth,
separating the waters Below from the waters Above.

[ 6 ]

And, on the third day, the Creator…
gathered the waters
of mercy together,
and caused the dry land to appear,

and when the Heavens wept the Earth was made fertile.

[ 7 ]

And, on the fourth day, the Creator…
birthed the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars

to give light to the Earth,
and wrote the Torah upon the sky
that the will of Ha’Elohim might be known.

[ 8 ]

And, on the fifth day, the Creator…
formed the fish of the sea
(our desires for mercy)
and the fowl of the air (or desires for knowledge and wisdom).
That the fowl might feed in the waters and fly unto the heavens.

[ 9 ]

And, on the sixth day, the Creator…
Created animals upon the land,
And breathed into mankind the breath of life
that we might bestow and receive all of the things of YHVH Alohykm.

[ 10 ]

And, on the seventh day, the Creator…
For the creation had been completed.


Section 5: The Fruits of the Tree of Life

[ The Large Bead ]

O, that I might Know Wisdom and all her Children:

[ 1 ]

Keter (like “Kettle”, except with an R)
The Crown
Even all of the Glory of God

[ 2 ]

Chokhmah (like “Hawk Ma”)
The Wisdom from our Mother, the Earth

[ 3 ]

Da’at (like “Duh-Ought”)
The Knowledge from our Father in Heaven (or Air)

[ 4 ]

Chesed (like “Heh-said”)
The Waters of the Mercy of YHVH
which do pour down from the heavens to heal the earth.

[ 5 ]

Gevurah (like “Give or Awe”)
The Strength of YHVH
And the Fire of Judgement

[ 6 ]

Tiferet (like “Tif-er-ette”)
The Beauty In Compassion
The Radiance of the Shekinah

[ 7 ]

Netzach (like “Net Zach”)
The Shalom of YHVH,
The Everlasting Gospel.

[ 8 ]

Hod (like “Ode”, but starting with an H sound)
The Glory of the Father of Heavenly Light Made Flesh:
The Condescension of God,
Submission, even unto death.

[ 9 ]

Yesod (like “Yes Ode”)
The Foundation of the World,
Whereon if mankind builds, they cannot fall.
The Rock of our Redeemer,.
The Footstool of YHVH

[ 10 ]

Malkhut (like “Mal-Hoot”)
The Kingdom of Heaven
A Pearl of Great Price


Section 6: Understanding the Mysteries

[ The Large Bead ]

O that I might receive Understanding
That thy Torah might uncover her mysteries before me

[ 1 ]

Even the Mystery of the Perfect Love
The Love of the Creator for the Creation

[ 2 ]

The Mystery of the Knowledge of the Creator and the Creation
For to know the Creator is to Love the Creator
And to Love the Creator is to Love the Creation

[ 3 ]

The Mystery of the Perfect Wisdom
To see the unity of all things that YHVH hath created
Hear O Israel, YHVH is our Elohim; YHVH is Unity

[ 4 ]

The Mystery of the Perfect Mercy
In teshuvah mankind was offered every tree of the garden to freely eat.
Therefore, whence we know good from evil, let us choose to do good.

[ 5 ]

The Mystery of the Perfect Judgement
That we may call upon Ahyeh Asher Ahyeh to receive strength
as we judge only our own actions and deeds.

[ 6 ]

The Mystery of Exceeding Beauty
The beauty which blossoms from the circumcised heart of mankind
As the earth is healed through the works of compassion

[ 7 ]

The Mystery of the Eternal Inheritance
To sit as sons and daughters with Ha’Elohim and El Olam
Having his Name written upon our hearts,
and having been transformed from our fallen state to a state of righteousness.

[ 8 ]

The Mystery of Perfect Glory
For YHVH shall descend below all things
and shall overcome all things
and shall rise above all things
having subjected the flesh to the will of the Father

[ 9 ]

The Mystery of the Sure Foundation
Even the covenant of Thy People, Yashar-El:
“All that YHVH has spoken, we will do!”

[ 10 ]

The Mystery of the Keys of the Kingdom
Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in the heavens
Whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in the heavens


Section 7: Being One in the Oneness of God (the End)

[ The Triangle ]

That I too may be one
in the Unity of the Divine Family

[ Large 1 ]

For this reason, we call Ha’Elohim the “One God”:
one in essence, yet many in aspect;
or many in being, yet one in priesthood;

[ 2 ]

The highest being two:
both male and female,
thus being four,

[ 3 ]

And again seen as five
as their unity is one,
the fifth being Keter.

[ 4 ]

In this trinity is hidden
the Knowledge and Wisdom of the whole world,

[ Large 5 ]

And through the Mercy and Justice of Alohykm shall we gain understanding,
and by understanding, a glimpse of the Crown of Elohim.

[ The Tree ]

For, to this End, was I born, and for this cause came I into creation.



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