Unfolding the Revelations of John
About Lesson

The Seventh Dispensation – Ariel

(The Restoration of All Things)


Primary Reading:

  • Zenos Chapter 10



  • To encourage the reader to ponder upon the events of the restoration.


Passages for Comparison:

  • Zenos 10:1-2 => Revelation 12:12 :: Shekinah vs the Dragon
  • Zenos 10:3-8 => Revelation 13:2-3, 11-12 :: Lilith and Leviathan
  • Zenos 10:9-12 => nothing ?? :: The Church of Avaddon
  • Zenos 10:13-17 => Revelation 3:14-22 :: YHVH’s Letter to All of the Restoration
  • Zenos 10:18-23 => Revelation 8:1-6 :: Ariel’s Dispensation is Unsealed
  • Zenos 10:24-36 => Revelation 14:6-8, 14-20 :: Wheat and Tares 
  • Zenos 10:37-44 => Revelation 10:1-4 :: Angel with a Book
  • Zenos 10:45-47 => Revelation 11:15-19 :: Ariel’s Shofar is Sounded
  • Zenos 10:48 => Revelation 16:17  :: Ariel’s Vial is Poured Out
  • Zenos 10:49-52 => Revelation 7:9-17 :: Closing of the Events of the 6th Seal
  • Zenos 10:53-57 => Revelation 19:6-10 :: Marriage of The Lamb
  • Zenos 10:57-66 => Alma 16:177-184 (RAV) / 33:4-11 (OPV) :: Concerning Prayer or Worship


Exercise Files
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